Pikachu Hat

By: Brittanie

This Pikachu Hat is such a fun and adorable way to show your pika pika side. This hat is easy to make using some paper, glue and little hands that love to craft!

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Pikachu Hat

What you need to make this Pikachu Hat:

How to make this Pikachu Hat:

Start by drawing two straight lines at the bottom of the yellow card stock paper. Use a ruler and draw two straight lines across the bottom of the paper. Make each one 1” thick.

On the top line draw two pointy ears coming out of the line.

Next draw Pikachu’s tail in the remaining empty space on the page. Remember that his tail is in the shape of a lightning bolt. Once everything is drawn out, trace over it with a sharpie and erase any pencil still visible.

Now cut out the lines, ears, and tail from the paper. Be sure not to cut the ears off of the line that they are connected to. They are meant to be one piece.

Now trace the top part of the ears on the black paper. Cut out just the tips of them. We’ll glue these onto the yellow ears later to give the ears black tips.

Do the same thing with the tail on the brown paper. Only worry about tracing the bottom part of the tail. You only need to trace and cut about an inch or two. On the top part of the brown tail base cut it into jagged spike shapes.

Using glue, attach the black paper tips to the ends of the ears on the yellow paper. Then glue the brown paper tail section to the base of the yellow tail.

Now take both of you yellow paper strips (one is has the ears and the other is straight across). Overlap the ends of only one side of the strips and staple them together. Now before you staple the other ends together, wrap it around your child’s head so that it fits when finished.

Once you have figured out the size of your headband, staple it to secure it. The last thing to do is to attach the tail on the back end of the head band and staple it so that it’s attached.

Now your child can wear their new Pikachu Hat! It’s adorable, right?

Source: https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/124492/pikachu-hat/

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