IHOP Is Changing Their Name AGAIN and People Are Freaking Out

By: Brittanie

If you don’t remember, it was last summer the internet went crazy over IHOP (International House of Pancakes) changing their name to IHOB (International House of Burgers) and now, they are doing it AGAIN.

It’s true, IHOP Is Changing Their Name AGAIN and People Are Freaking Out.

The official IHOP Twitter account posted on Tuesday saying:

“Last year, the Internet had a lot to say about IHOb. Well, we heard you. Stay tuned for June 3.

Um, what does that mean?! 

People have been commenting and speculating at what it means. I think it’s obvious – Pizza. The “P” stands for Pizza.

“International House of Pizza” that has a good ring to it.

People even tagged the DiGiorno pizza Twitter handle…

I am curious what it’s going to be. Honestly, I just like their marketing tactic and it seems to get people all fired up!

So, what do you think the announcement will be?

Source: https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/124514/ihop-changing-name-people-freaking/

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