3 year old won’t poop on the potty

By: Becky Mansfield


What do you do when your 3-year-old to poop on the potty?  I had a client one time tell me that her child would pee but not poop on the potty. Many parents worry about constipation issues, so they want this handled as soon as possible.   I understand!


Here are some tips on how to help your child poop on the potty:

1. “Blow Bubbles.  I have heard that having them blow bubbles while on the potty makes it harder for them to hold it. Maybe next time she brings the diaper, give her some bubbles and head to the potty.” -Megan Dunlop

2. Let her hide in the bathroom.  Give your child a flashlight and a book, then turn out the lights and let your child try to go.  Many children feel better if it is dark and they are alone when they are trying to go poop.

3. “Get rid of the diapers in the house, then there is no other option. Also try doing something special, like an M&M, for going on the potty.” -Amber

4. “Make your own potty reward chart.   I draw and ice cream cone with 2 “Scoops” on it.  When our daughter goes poop, she colors in a scoop.  When both are colored in, we go for ice cream. I gradually add more scoops.” -Kati S

5. “It might be more serious.  Ask your doctor about trying Miralax and also have her sit on the potty throughout the day for ten to fifteen minutes. I make it a nicer experience.” -Mandy

6. “If it is a small kids’ potty, take the top off and put the diaper inside of the collection bowl.  Make sure the little one sees you. Then put the seat back on and have them sit down. It is a compromise between the potty and the diaper. Once the child gets the idea, eliminate the need for the diaper.” -Brandy M

7. “We went to the store and picked out a toy my son would want. We talked about how once he pooped on the potty, he could have the toy. It took some time but it worked!” -Kerry R

8. “I used to color the water in the potty with food coloring. I would tell my daughter who had constipation issues, that her little cute poopies want to swim in the pink water. It worked over time!” -Alana U

9. “Get a little stool for her to put her feet on. I have heard a squatting type position helps with pooping too.” -Ashley P

10. Make up a potty song!  Here is the one that I used to sing… (and to the tune of the ABC’s).  “You go poop in potty now.  You are a big girl and you know how.  You will get a special treat.  Mommy will be so happy!   You go poop in the potty now.  You are a big girl and you know how.

If you are really ready, we suggest this book, Potty Train in a Weekend.   We’ve heard great reviews & read it ourselves & love it.   It is easy, to the point & gets the job done quickly!  Plus, it’s a best-selling book that walks you through every area of potty training.



I would love to hear your suggestions when your child won’t poop on the potty!

In the meantime, join us on Facebook and share your advice to our many reader questions.


Source: https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/95256/3-year-old-wont-poop-potty/

The content is owned by Becky Mansfield. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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