Toddler Fleeces Own Dad With Lemonade Stand [Video]

By: Mary Malcolm

During a yard sale at this family’s house, this dad’s two little girls decided they wanted to set up a lemonade stand to make some extra money.

Sure, why not, right?

So dad helped them set up the stand, told them what to charge customers, and went about his day.

People came and went throughout the day and dad worked hard keeping the sale going, so when his youngest came to him holding a glass of lemonade, he thought she was offering him a refreshing drink!

Toddler fleeces dad at lemonade stand video - Kids Activities Blog
Can I get you a lemonade, dad?

What a sweetheart!

Only, she wasn’t.

She held out her hand and asked for a quarter for payment.

Okay, okay, dad wants to encourage his daughters in business, so he hands the baby a quarter.


Well, let’s just say he paid for services that were not delivered…

Take a look!

Toddler Fleeces Dad at Lemonade Stand Video

How funny is that!?

I’m guessing the toddler didn’t necessarily understand all the ins and outs of the business, but even so, she made off like a bandit!

Let’s hope dad didn’t call the cops on his little ‘thief’.

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Best Lemonade Recipe for Your Lemonade Stand Business

Lucky for you (and your entrepreneurial kids), we have literally the best (and easiest) homemade lemonade recipe in the world.  Check it out if you are looking for a business op…or if you just need a refreshing drink!

And if you are looking to start a small lemonade biz, check out our lemonade stand ideas!

If you love lemon, then you might like these lemonade cookies and lemonade cake

Money Ideas for Kids from Kids Activities Blog


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