Lowe’s Build and Grow Craft Kits Are Back. Here’s How To Get Yours.

By: Shannon Carino

One of my favorite things to do with my kids when they were small was the Lowe’s Build and Grow programs on Saturdays.

Courtesy of Lowe’s Build & Grow

This program was offered at Lowe’s on select Saturdays. Kids could sign up to build a craft at the store with their grownups for FREE!

Lowe's Build and Grow Firetruck
Courtesy of Lowe’s Build & Grow

Back in March, Lowe’s had to postpone this program, due to virus mandates. The store just announced that, starting in October, the Build and Grow program is back! The first one is the weekend of October 10th, where you will get to build a fire truck for Fire Safety Month.

Lowe's Build and Grow projects

To keep things safe, the program is going to look a little bit different. Instead of building at the store, Lowe’s will have the kits available for pickup to build at home with your kids.

How do you get one for your kids? You’ll need to head to the Lowe’s website and register your family, selecting your local Lowe’s. Your kits can be picked up in-store or curbside at your local Lowe’s on October 10th or 11th. Any kits remaining after 8pm on October 11th will be available for non-registered participants, so don’t forget to go get yours.

We always loved the Lowe’s Build and Grow projects, and we build all sorts of cool crafts. We even have a few of them still. The projects are a great way to spend some fun time with your kids and learn some building skills. Make sure to keep checking at Lowe’s for future projects too, and sign up for your fire truck for October.

Lowe's Build and Grow projects


Source: https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/150928/lowes-build-and-grow-craft-kits/

The content is owned by Shannon Carino. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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