You Can Get Pillow Covers That Turn Your Regular Pillows Into A Floor Lounger For Kids

By: Liz Hall

My kids love to be comfy and cozy, which was why I was so excited to find these pillow bed covers from Butterfly Craze. The adorable covers turn pillows into cozy floor pillows that are perfect for lounging.

Pillow bed seat cover
These pillow bed covers are perfect for play time, nap time, and any time kids — or adults — want to relax. / Source: Amazon

How These Pillow Bed Covers Work

The concept is genius. The adorable pillow bed covers from ButterflyCraze are designed with pockets that separate each pillow. After inserting a pillow into each pocket, zip it up, and voila! Your kids will have a cozy lounger that’s a great alternative to plain ol’ pillows, recliner pillows, floor cushions, and bean bag chairs.

pillow bed cover
Source: Amazon

These pillow loungers can be used during play dates, sleep overs (like when they stay over at grandma and grandpa’s!), story time, nap time, and quiet time too.

Butterfly Craze Pillow covers
Source: Amazon

Let’s be honest; they’re not just for kids either. Both the queen- and king-size pillow covers are 75 inches long, which means adults — like me — can definitely use them to relax on too.

Bonus: when the pillow beds not in use, simply remove the pillows, wash them in the laundry machine, and fold them up!

The pillow bed covers also currently come in seven pretty adorable colors/designs, including purple, light pink, hot pink, aqua blue, galaxy, a transportation design, or navy with stars.

I already know my kids will want these for their next pillow and cover fort!

The Butterfly Craze pillow bed covers are available starting at $29.99 on Amazon. Since they don’t come with pillows, make sure you buy those too!




The content is owned by Liz Hall. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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