Apps To Track Activities Of Children

By: Ambili S Kartha

Kids are ones’ prized possession, and one leaves no stone unturned to ensure their safety. In today’s time, there is too much exposure of kids, and many incidents keep happening, and predators are on the rise and the kids are not too safe. Here comes the importance of Apps to track the activities of children.

The parents may get paranoid about their kids and may refuse them the gadgets and children feel their parents don’t trust them. Parents and kids have a generation gap, and they both do not understand each other. The best way out is to use apps that helps to track the activities of the child. This way, they will not disturb the privacy and the independence of the child.

Apps have been generated for almost everything and now tracking kids is way much simpler. Apps to track the activities of children are now easily available. Here are some important doubts about apps to track the activities of the child:

  • The importance of tracking kids
  • If is it okay to put a GPS tracker in the child
  • The top apps that can be used to track the kids
  • The way tracking apps works
  • How to track the child’s mobile
  • Whether or not to let know the kid that he/she is being tracked
  • The apps that can monitor the child’s phone without he/she is aware of them.

Read on to understand more about this topic

Why Apps To Track Activities Of Children A Necessary?

Parenting is a challenging job, and new responsibilities keep coming up as the child grows. As a parent one needs to be aware of the friends that kid has, his surroundings, his thoughts, etc. A Parent is the sole connection of the child with the outside world. It is essential to use the apps to track activities of children, Here are some vital reasons

  • Tracking the child is important as it can help to protect them from any abuse or harm.
  • Predators are always on the lookout and not tracking the child can put them in danger.
  • The technology is advancing. Now it is very easy to track the location of the child and the whereabouts. Using apps to track the activities of the child help to save the child from danger right on time.
  • Tracking helps in witnessing the changes that are taking place in the child’s behavior as well.
  • Tracking ensures that the child is not getting in an unwanted situation.
  • The kids have to mingle with many people like drivers, teachers, nannies, parents, and friends. Tracking apps helps to ensure the safety of the child to
  • The majority of the child abuse cases have happened by people whom the child already knows. The apps to track the activities of a child ensures the child is safe.
  • The child is innocent and can be molded easily or even lured to do things that are not approved of in the society and being a child, he/she is not aware of the consequences they can get into.
  • Tracking of kids also ensures that predators or strangers will not misguide them or abduct them.
  • Another very easy way is to mix chemicals to the candies and offer to kids and parents can keep advising kids not to take them, but sometimes the same can be done by known people, so tracking ensures that the child is in safe hands and not taken advantage of.
  • Even if the child is at home, he/she might not be safe, but tracking ensures they are safe and not up to some mischief and not being misled as the child often shows the real self when they are alone and with friends.

Can A GPS Tracker Be Used For My Child?

In the present time, when the child’s safety is always a big question, it is okay to put a GPS tracker in the child as it shows the accurate position of the child on the map and even notify in case the child enters a no safe zone that is defined by the parents. GPS tracker enables the child to be close to parents even though they are physically away in parks, hotels, schools, day-care, bus, creche, etc. It is a good way to be informed of the child’s whereabouts and the company. If the child is safe, then the parents are at peace as well, which is healthy for both.

What Are The Top 5 Must-Have Apps To Track Activities Of Children? How Does It Work?

Apps have become very common and are easily available for almost all purposes. Let us now discuss the top 5 Must have child tracking apps and the way they work. They are as follows:

1. Footprints-

A very disturbing question in the minds of parents is to know about the whereabouts of the child. Using this app helps in using the GPS and informs about the child’s location, also lets the parents know if the child has reached the required destination. The location of the child is only shared by one’s who have permission to view it.

2. Bark-

This digitized safety app incredible digital safety app helps to monitor social media, text messages, emails, etc. that helps in consuming the parent’s time and can even proactively send alerts regarding cybercrimes, sexting, etc.

3. Spyzie-

This tracking app helps in assessing the exact child’s location. One can even access the texts, videos, photos, and the apps of the gadget it is used on. It notifies if the child leaves or enters any unsafe areas defined by parents.

4. mSpy-

mSpy is a tracking device that can help in protecting the kid against any harmful threats. It can access the messages, emails, the real-location of kids and even manage the call logs.

5. Find My Kids –

“Find My Kids” is an app that helps to track the location of the child. This app notifies you if your child goes out of the safe zone. This app comes free of cost and can be easily found on the Google Play store app.

Why Should I Use Apps to track Activities Of Children And Track My Child’s Mobile?

Children in today’s world are overexposed to gadgets. Technological advancement carries its own pros and cons. Parents must know what their children are doing and where they are going to ensure their safety.

Given below are a few of the reasons that are convincing enough to track the child’s mobile, and they are as follows:

  1. Online Harassment And Bullying- Sometimes, due to shame and fear, kids are harassed and even cyberbullied, but monitoring of social media by parents can keep them informed about the activities that kids engage in. At the same time, they are online and protect them from bullying and harassment.
  2. Addiction- Mobile is more like an addiction and smart-phones have ample activities to engage the kids with so it is important to keep a check on the screen time of the child and ensure they get proper sleep. Parents can even install apps that can block the time and automatically switch off after that.
  3. Spending Real Money On Virtual Trinkets- Some apps have features that permit the kids to buy few items for games and for that the kids can connect the credit and debit cards for payment and this can result in a great loss. Hence, it is important to be vigilant and keep a tab on their activities.
  4. Online Predators- Predators are rising in great numbers, and one does not know who they can be as the child keeps meeting a lot of new people daily which could be online, at malls, schools, buses, tuition centers, play areas, etc. Tracking, therefore, allows the parents to know which apps are being used by the child and how much time they use that particular app.
  5. Oversharing- It is commonly seen that children unknowingly or knowingly do not make effective usage of the privacy filters and do share information with friends and even strangers as well. This can be dangerous as predators are always on the lookout for an online user that can be vulnerable and can get trapped in their game. It is thus good to keep a check and keep a tab on the conversations that are made online.
  6. Sexting-Sexting or child pornography is a crime and can cause great problems for the kid. Even teenagers who get on the dating apps can be forced to send nude photos, and this can be dangerous as they can go viral on the net. Since teens are more emotional and get carried off easily, the parents need to have an app that helps in tracking the phone activities of the child.
  7. Inappropriate Content-The internet has good as well as bad content. Adult content can also pop up unexpectedly while kids are using cell phones or browsing net. It is therefore important to use tracking apps to track the activities of children. Tracking helps to block any site that offers content that could be harmful to the mental health of the child, could be related to sex, racism, etc.
  8. Dangerous Apps For Kids-Many apps are not safe for kids. The predators generally use some apps. The kids can easily get trapped and cannot understand that they are being taken advantage of so the parents need to track the device and ensure safety at all times.

Is It Okay If My Child Know If I am Using Apps To Track Activities Of Children And He Is Being Tracked?

Apps to track the activities of children are important. Children cannot understand and can fall prey to dangerous sites or predators and even if they come to know they do not feel bad as they understand they are not mature enough to understand. However, teenagers do find it a breach of trust if parents try to track them, and that can lead to unhealthy relationships between the two.

It is thus always advisable to seek permission from the teenagers if it is fine for the parents to know about their locations as they get worried if the child is far away or not reachable by calls or at a distant place etc.

Bringing up kids is accompanied by many challenges. Parents are always concerned about the location of the child, the company they are with, the activities they indulge in and even if the child is honest. Tracking the location is a breather and offers mental peace to the parents and fosters a healthy relationship and encouraging their independence as well

Top 5 Apps To Track Activities Of Children’s Mobile Phone Without Knowing Them

Parents can easily make use of the tracking software for the mobile phone without letting the child know. All they need to do is install it on the mobile and keep tracking it. Kids at times, do not tell the truth out of fear, or not sharing their privacy or sometimes just because they do not wish to.

The Top 5 Apps That Can Help To Monitor The Child Phone Are As Below:

1. mSpy-

It is one of the leading apps that helps to track the people who are called, the text that is sent, apps used, the phone numbers of their contacts and even the GPS tracker.

2. The Spy Bubble-

Spy Bubble is the most powerful spying and tracking app that lets you monitor all the activities of your child. This app helps you to monitor all types of messaging and internet activities. It has GPS tracking Nd It records all incoming and outgoing calls. This app is undetectable by the child.

3. The Phone Sheriff-

This app permits the screen time of the kid as the app tends to automatically shut off after the prescribed time limit and even locks the phone.

4. Mobicip-

This app is good to track the online life of the kids. There are two levels; the middle school that blocks all gambling, liquor, dating, online shopping and chat sides while the other level is high school level that blocks all sexually implicit, violent, or adult content.

5. Mama Bear-

This site keeps the parents informed of the speed at which the child is riding or driving. This app is good for the parents whose kids are new to driving as the parents can prohibit or counsel the kid if they drive at high speed. The kid is always conscious and alert, which protects him from accidents.

Wrapping Up

Trust and honesty are very important to foster between the kids and the parent. Yet, if the child is not able to be upfront and share, parents should not leave them alone as the world outside is not safe. It is important to foster independence in the child. It is equally important to track the kid’s activities. This will protect them from falling prey to predators, bad company and influence. After all, parents are responsible for the well-being and the behavior of the child.


The content is owned by Ambili S Kartha. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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