Why Is Cord Blood Banking Important?

By: Bindu Raichura

What is Cord Blood Banking?

Cord blood banking stands for the preservation of the umbilical cord blood of a newborn. Cord blood is rich in stem cells that are generated as a natural process to prepare the mother and baby’s bodies for delivery. This process involves the extraction of the stem cells and other immune system cells and their cryogenic freezing. Let us know more about why cord blood banking is important?

cord blood banking

What’s in Cord Blood & How Do You Get It?

What’s in Cord Blood?

The umbilical cord connects the baby to the mother’s body in the womb. Further, it is the sole channel of nutrients, oxygen and removes wastes from the baby’s body. The blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta after the baby has been delivered is cord blood or umbilical cord blood. Thus not as much strikingly, this blood is rich in good cells for the baby.

Further, before delivery, there is the transfer of the immune system cells between the mother and baby’s body. This transfer makes the cord blood rich in stem cells that are the building blocks of the human body. Apart from this, cord blood is rich in powerful immune system cells. This is the reason why stem cell banking is gaining momentum.

How Do You Get it?

Earlier, the umbilical cord used to get thrown away as a biological waste after the baby’s delivery. With the importance of the cord blood now being understood, it is not thrown at the delivery time. If the parents want to get the cord’s blood, the doctors clamp the umbilical cord at two portions with a distance of at least 10 inches. The cord is then cut from the mother and the baby. The blood from the cord is collected using a needle, and it is usually 40 millimeters of blood.

This cord blood is then sealed in the bags and is sent to the concerned banking authority for testing and preservation. The process of extraction of cord blood is 100% painless for the mother and newborn.

Many people confuse cord blood banking with cord blood that leads to its link with red blood cells. Cord blood banking is only related to the preservation of the stem cells and immune system cells. Let us now understand why is cord blood banking essential?

doctor clamping baby's umbilical cord

Why Cord Blood Banking/Bank Baby Cord Blood?

We know that the main reason that whether you should bank your baby’s cord blood is that it is helpful in your baby’s medical treatment at some time in his/ her life. The preservation of the cord’s blood ensures that the stem cells and immune system cells inside it remain in the same condition as they had been at the extraction’s time. Thus, whenever the need arises, this cord blood rich in life-saving stem cells can be administered to the person.

The cord blood has the inherited capability of multiplying quickly to boost the immune system. This revitalized immune system can now fight against many deadly diseases, even different types of cancers like leukemia, lymphoma; immune system diseases like aplastic anemia, and other metabolic condition-related diseases like Krabbe disease. You can further check all details about the list of diseases that can be cured by stem cells here.

Expecting mother

Who Can Opt for Cord Blood Banking/Stem Cell Banking?

Expecting mothers or families with a medical history of the diseases like cancers, immune system disorders, etc., can opt for cord blood banking. Today, parents are aware of why are umbilical cord blood stems cells so valuable and hence don’t want to waste this lifeline. Storing the cord blood relaxes the parents as they have a defense for their baby’s medical condition. Therefore, modern healthy parents are also inclined towards stem cell banking.

Should You Bank Your Baby’s Cord Blood?

Do many parents face the dilemma that I should do cord blood banking or not? The answer is quite simple that it depends on the circumstances. Many experts suggest cord blood banking only if an elder sibling is suffering from some serious medical condition. Further, researchers suggest that stem cell therapy is not as effective in the case of genetic mutation-related diseases. However, it firmly keeps your baby safe from a large number of medical conditions. Parents can always go for donating their baby’s cord blood.

Cord blood collection bag with drop of blood

Is Cord Blood Banking Expensive?

The question that many parents still face is that why is cord blood banking so expensive? This is due to the strict storage conditions required for cord blood and the type of banking. You can choose public, private, or public-private cord blood banks.

The cost of storing cord blood with a private company ranges from INR 20,000 to INR 65,000. The annual storage fee can be around INR 4,000.

Cord blood banking is the best way to give a gift of protection to your newborn. Cord blood is a super tool that can save your baby’s life at any time.

Source: https://www.beingtheparent.com/why-is-cord-blood-banking-important/

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