Vitamins which Help Conceive Faster

By: Bindu Raichura

There can be lots of possible causes for not successfully conceiving. And there can be lots of treatments for it. But most of the time adding a bit of nutrition and healthy habits can work as a miracle in pregnancy. Vitamins play a vital role in making your body work properly. And if your cycle is right then pregnancy becomes easier. Here we will discuss the vitamins which help conceive faster. So if you are trying to get pregnant but it seems a bit difficult then try these vitamins to increase fertility.

women sad after checking her pregnancy test

Vitamins which Help Conceive Faster: Overall

Vitamins are especially important for women to regulate vital functions like menstruation, ovulation and the quality and development of the oocyte or egg, energy production, thyroid function, and immune function. PCOS is also a very common and prevalent cause of infertility in women now. Thus taking adequate prenatal vitamins helps get pregnant. Vitamin C,  Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Omega3, and Folic acid are essential vitamins for female fertility. Now let’s see why these are the best vitamins to get pregnant fast and how you can add them to your diet.

What Vitamins to Take When Trying to get Pregnant?

Now that we know that vitamins can prove beneficial in conceiving, here is a list of the vitamins required to help you get pregnant faster:

  • Vitamin C:

Among the vitamins to get pregnant fast, the role of vitamin C is very important. Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron and produce progesterone in women. Thus it helps to regulate the ovulation and menstrual cycle. On the other hand, it increases sperm count and sperm health and decreases sperm DNA fragmentation in men.

Food Items with Vitamin C:

Vitamin C can be easily sought from citrus fruits, tomatoes, mangoes, peas, peppers, strawberries, and grapefruits. But you can take vitamin C supplements of 500mg twice a day or as your doctor suggests for a better result.

food rich in vitamin C

  • Vitamin D:

2019 study shows that women suffering from PCOS have a deficiency of Vitamin D in common. And the NCBI report concludes that addressing vitamin D deficiency in infertile women can prove beneficial. Another study shows that the lack of vitamin D can result in high maternal blood pressure, increase birth bodyweight of the baby, and high diabetes during pregnancy. Also, vitamin D improves sperm mobility in idiopathic male infertility issues. This fat-soluble vitamin is essential for the secretion of sex hormones. So vitamin D is one of the best vitamins to help you get pregnant fast.

Food Items with Vitamin D:

To boost the vitamin D levels you can take fortified dairy products, cod liver oil, and fatty fish like salmon, tuna, or mackerel. You can also take a 10 to 15 minutes sunbath every day to get the vitamin D naturally.

food rich in Vitamin D

  • Vitamin B:

One of the prominent answers to what vitamins to take when trying to get pregnant is B vitamins.  Vitamin B prevents ovulatory infertility, increases egg health, helps in timely egg release, and boosts sperm quality too. According to the Nurses Health Study on B vitamins and risk of ovulatory infertility, the B vitamins which help get pregnant fast are B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6, B-12, and of course B-9 or folic acid.

B-6 vitamin particularly helps to increase progesterone levels which is very important once you get pregnant.

B-9 or folic acid will not only increase your chances of pregnancy but also help develop the baby’s spine during the first trimester of your pregnancy. Folic acid helps to seal the baby’s neural tube properly during the first two or three weeks of your pregnancy.

Food Items with Vitamin B:

The B-complex multivitamin is one of the best multivitamins for women trying to conceive. Besides this, you can take eggs, chickpeas, soya beans, whole grains, pork, chicken, and fish to get B-6, and orange juice, fortified cereals, and leafy greens for B-9 and other B vitamins.

food rich in Vitamin B9

  • Vitamin E:

Another vitamin to help you get pregnant fast is vitamin E. This is rich in antioxidants and is necessary for women’s general reproductive health. Vitamin E effectively increases the fertile cervical mucus. This fertile cervical mucus on the ovulation day is extremely important to let the sperm live and float towards the egg.

Food Items with Vitamin E

You can eat sweet potatoes, avocadoes, peanuts and almonds, whole grains, and leafy greens for vitamin E.

food rich in Vitamin E

So these are the best vitamins to get pregnant. These vitamins, along with the minerals and nutrients like zinc, iron, calcium, selenium, and coenzyme Q10 are the vital components for a successful pregnancy. As so many vitamins and minerals are involved in pregnancy, you can take multivitamin tablets instead of taking one tablet for each vitamin. But though taking supplements is easy, it is not out of risk. Though chances are little, the excessive dose can harm your health. Taking supplements without consultation with the doctor can lead to side effects or clash with the medicines you are already taking. So to avoid such mistakes, always consult your doctor about the dosage and eat the food we recommended to get the vitamins to get pregnant fast naturally.


The content is owned by Bindu Raichura. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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