Is Ovary Size Important To Get Pregnant

By: Bindu Raichura

An Ovary is a female reproductive organ that secretes the female hormones and releases the eggs for fertilization. They also help protect the eggs. There are two ovaries in every female reproductive system. When a girl is born, these ovaries are bundles of tissue. But, as she grows, her ovaries grow alongside. The size of ovaries depends on various factors and differs from person to person. Let’s get more insights into the size of ovaries and how it is related to pregnancy. women holding uterus billboard

What are the Reasons or Factors that Lead to Change in the Size of the Ovary?

A normal ovary size is about the size of a large grape. But, several factors can influence the size of your ovary.

As a girl grows, the ovary grows along with her. Before a girl attains puberty, the ovaries are smaller than the average size. It starts growing once she reaches puberty and is the largest when she is pregnant. When menopause starts crawling after 35 years, lesser eggs are fertilized, and the size of the ovaries shrinks to as low as 2 cm.

  • Ovarian Disorder:

Ovarian disorders are majorly caused by cysts – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). The cysts are pockets filled with fluid on the surface of the ovary. This is a common disorder faced by many women. They are neither painful nor harmful. Many women do not even know they have a cyst. However, these cysts might be dangerous in the following situations.

  • Functional Cysts:

When the hormones required for the release of eggs from the follicle are secreted in a smaller amount, multiple cysts may form on the surface of the ovaries. This can lead to infertility and other serious diseases, including diabetes and heart problems. These are generally painless and tend to disappear on their own after a few menstrual cycles.

  • Dermoid Cyst:

They are commonly known as “teratomas.” They are formed from embryonic cells. Hence, they may develop specific tissues on the ovary like skin, hair, teeth, etc. They are caused when the skin structures are confined during fetal development.

  • Cystadenomas:

They are watery or mucous cysts formed on the surface of the ovaries.

The Dermoid and Cystadenomas cysts may grow bigger and sometimes may shift the position of the ovaries. The shift may twist the ovary and can be very painful. This is known as Ovarian Torsion. It may also hinder the flow of blood to the ovaries.

  • Medical Treatments:

Women may undergo medical treatment for infertility. In the course of the treatment, certain hormonal injections may be infused to enable the ovary to release eggs for fertilization. So, the ovaries tend to be larger during ovulation and shrink back after ovulation.

  • Pregnancy:

During pregnancy, Estrogen and Progesterone are secreted in a larger amount to support the pregnancy. During such secretion, the ovaries tend to be larger. It is always suggested to take up a normal ovary ultrasound and confirm any cysts or fibroids.

Does Ovary Size Matter While Conceiving?

To make it simple – the answer is yes. The size of the ovary certainly plays a vital role in conceiving. The fertile eggs will be secreted if the ovary is relatively larger. There are a few small follicles on the ovary. With the advent of technology, you can determine the size of your ovaries through normal ovary follicle ultrasound and blood tests. You may find multiple follicles on the ovary ultrasound.

women worried seeing her pregnancy test

Is there a Normal Size of Ovaries that Help in Conceiving?

The average ovary size is 3cm in length, 2.5cm in height, and 1.5cm in width in numerical terms. Apart from the size of the ovaries, the size of an egg is also crucial for conceiving. If the ovary of standard size contains eggs that are shrunk, it causes difficulties in getting pregnant.

What are the Ways to Improve Ovary Health?

There is always a solution for all the Ifs and Buts. Similarly, you can always boost the health of your ovary and egg. The following are a few of the ways to improve ovary and egg health.

  • Maintaining healthy body weight
  • Regular exercise
  • Stress-free life
  • Following Balanced Diet
  • Avoid Cigarette and Alcohol

uterus diagram

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How many ovaries does a female have?

 Every female has two ovaries.

2. How big is an Ovary?

The normal ovary volume is 3cm in length, 2.5cm in height, and 1.5cm in width.

3. What should be the follicle size for ovulation?

The size of a mature follicle for ovulation is 18-28mm in diameter.

4. How many eggs do women have at 20?

In a normal ovarian calculator, every woman is born with approximately 2 million eggs. Eleven thousand eggs die each month until they attain puberty, and 1000 eggs die each month after puberty. This is a general measurement and differs from person to person based on hormonal changes and lifestyle.

5. What should be the follicle size for conceiving? 

The follicle size of 18-28mm in diameter is suitable for conceiving. 

6. Is Ovarian Cyst of 3cm Size dangerous?

An Ovarian cyst of 3Cm is normal and does not require surgery. 

7. What is the abnormal ovarian cyst size as per the Ovarian Cyst Size chart (In mm)?

If the ovarian cyst is about 50cm or 50mm, it requires serious attention and surgery. 

8. What is an enlarged Ovary?

An enlarged ovary has outgrown its normal size, usually because of the cyst.

9. What is the normal size of the uterus in mm?

According to the research published by the northern Islamic Republic of Iran, the mean uterus size was 86.66mm in length, 49.6mm in height, and 40.6mm in width.

Ovaries play a vital role in conceiving. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to have healthy ovaries and successful pregnancy. If you doubt could have any issues related to your ovary, immediately consult your doctor and get it cleared.


The content is owned by Bindu Raichura. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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