Implantation Dip- When Does it Occur?

By: Bindu Raichura

Struggling for pregnancy is difficult. It’s the time when you try to find out and grab any sign of pregnancy. And it becomes very difficult to wait for the missed period to confirm the pregnancy. In such a case, implantation dip can be an option for you to detect if there is a possibility of getting pregnant. But what is implantation dip? When does implantation occur? Or how to detect it? Don’t worry we have all the answers for you.

implantation dip

What is Implantation Dip?

Having sex during the ovulation day will lead to the fertilization of the egg by the sperm. And when this fertilized egg gets settled on your uterus lining for the next 9 month’s steady growth, then it is called implantation. And during this time, which is possibly the 8 to 10 days after the ovulation, you can find a sudden dip in your basal body temperature or BBT. This is called implantation dip.

basal Body temperature chart(BBT chart)

Relation of Basal Body Temperature and Implantation Dip:

BBT is the temperature of your body at rest. The hormonal changes in a female body affect the body temperature a bit. During the first phase of the menstrual cycle i.e. the time before ovulation, the hormone estrogen is prevalent in a female body. Due to this hormone, our body remains a few points of a degree cooler than the second phase of the menstrual cycle when the progesterone hormone is dominant.

So if you do a regular check on your BBT, then you will find that your body temperature is rising a bit after the ovulation day. And the temperature will fall just before and during your periods. But periods cannot start just after 7 days of ovulation. So if there is a sudden temperature fall after 7 to 8 days of constant temperature rising, then it is called BBT ovulation dip or implantation dip.

BBT can be the simplest way to regulate what stage are you in your monthly cycle. To do it you will just have to check your temperature every day and note it down on a chart which is called the implantation dip chart. This BBT chart implantation dip then will inform you about your upcoming ovulation and menstruation and also sometimes about your upcoming pregnancy with the implantation dip.

When does Implantation Dip Occur?

The implantation of a fertilized egg can occur between 6 to 12 days after ovulation. But in most cases, it happens around 8 to 10 days after. The more delayed the implantation, the higher the risk of a miscarriage. A 1999 study shows that the risk of early pregnancy loss increases with later implantation and most successful pregnancy implantation occurs between 8 to 10 days.

So in general, you can find out the ovulation dip during this period. And to understand how many days does implantation take, we say a fertilized egg requires hardly 8 to 10 days to be implanted on your uterus lining.

menstrual cycle chart

What are the Causes?

If you make an implantation dip BBT chart by noting down your temperature each day, then you will find out that a sudden temperature dip can occur even if you are not meant to be pregnant. This leads to the question that what does dip sign mean and how effective is it to predict pregnancy?

As we have already informed, that the dip in temperature in the first phase of the menstrual cycle occurs due to the predominance of estrogen. So, it is again this hormone that causes the implantation dip. It is the secondary estrogen surge during the implantation of the fertilized egg that causes temperature dip. The estrogen surge is notably two times higher on a pregnant woman’s cycle; just before the ovulation and then somewhere in the middle of the luteal or second phase. And because of this estrogen, you can find out temp fluctuations in early pregnancy.

But the dip in temperature can occur because of many other reasons too. Stress, less sleep, medication, etc. can affect your body temperature. So the dip sign in your implantation dip chart may not always mean pregnancy. Some can suffer from delayed temperature rise after ovulation and some can notice a temperature drop 3 days after ovulation due to these additional reasons.

So, to conclude, we know sometimes it gets exhausting and impossible to get a positive result, but that does not mean you will cling to any hope that has the chance of disappointment. Be patient, weigh two weeks after you note down implantation dip, and take a home pregnancy test after you miss your periods. If the result is positive, then consult your gynecologist and do a blood test or an early ultrasound scan to confirm your pregnancy.


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