This Four-Month-Old Baby Is Totally Digging This Massage! [Video]

By: Mary Malcolm

Is it weird to be jealous of a baby?

Watching this little baby enjoy this massage makes me wish I was her…even just for a few minutes.

The smile on her face is cracking me up and you can tell just how very much she’s into it.

Baby Loves first massage video - Kids activities blog
Right there!

I remember giving my niece massages when she was a baby, but I don’t remember her every looking quite this pleased…

Baby Loves First Massage Video

Wasn’t that totes adorbs?

That smile, though!

It’s amazing how much touch can totally make and change your day.

Kind of makes you want to find your own zen place, right?

Baby Zen Videos

Do you have a funny story about a totally ‘at peace’ baby in your life? 

Want to see more zen babies?

Baby Teaches Yoga Video

This 2 year old teaches his own yoga class.

Namaste, little guru, namaste.

Baby Rock Climber Video

There’s a certain amount of zen that comes from rock climbing, and this baby started climbing before she started walking!


I need a massage now…how about you?  By the way…got a cat?  Here are some cat massage videos.


The content is owned by Mary Malcolm. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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By: Mary Malcolm It is so adorable how toddlers can’t seem to make up a lie, simply because they are not even familiar with the concept!...