Human Dominoes Topple Over One By One! [Video]

By: Mary Malcolm

As a kid, one of my favorite things was to stack dominoes and watch them topple over.

As an adult, I’m still fascinated watching how one piece can cause such a large chain reaction.

Human dominoes video - Kids Activities Blog
One domino starts the reaction…

In New Orleans, 850 people came together to set off a chain reaction so huge you’re not going to believe your eyes!

Human Domino Video

How amazing was that!?!

The entire time I watched it, I couldn’t stop thinking about that last person, though.

How much would you hate being that last person, waiting for your turn to fall.

More Dominoes Videos

Did you love dominoes as a kid?

Do you have a great story about an amazing chain reaction? 

Want to see more cool chain reactions?

Butterfly Effect Video

It’s amazing to me how one little tiny piece can eventually topple something so huge!

Rube Goldberg OK Go! Video

This music video for OK Go has one of the most amazing Rube Goldberg set-ups you’re ever going to see!

More Game Fun from Kids Activities Blog

What did you think of the Human domino game?


The content is owned by Mary Malcolm. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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