Coronavirus in Kids: Symptoms & Treatment

By: Bindu Raichura

While India is reeling under COVID-19, the second wave of the mutant strain of the virus seems to be targeting kids. There has been a surge in the cases of corona virus in kids, with fever, headache, cough and cold being seen as the classic coronavirus symptoms in kids. In this article, we will read about the covid symptoms in kids, the treatment of corona virus in children and the precautions.

girl in mask

Coronavirus in Kids: Symptoms

Can kids get corona virus? Yes they can. In fact, it is being reported that the new variant of the dangerous virus is mostly spreading among children aged 8 months to 14 years. It therefore becomes imperative for the parents to ensure that the kids stay indoors and are not exposed to the virus.

Children have less risk of comorbidities so the risk is less, but still it is imperative to look out for these covid 19 symptoms in kids:

  1. Fever
  2. Headache
  3. Body Pain
  4. Tiredness
  5. Cough
  6. Breathlessness
  7. Poor feeding
  8. Loss of Taste or Smell
  9. Rash
  10. Red or Pink Eyes
  11. Swollen and/or red lips/tongue/hands/feet
  12. Diarrhoea
  13. Vomiting

There has been an increase in the number of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C) cases in kids infected with the virus. This causes inflammation in various organs of the body, including heart, lungs, blood vessels, kidneys, digestive system, brain, skin or eyes.

mom checking temperature of sick child in mask

Coronavirus in Kids: Treatment

If you see any of these covid-19 symptoms in your children, contact your doctor immediately. You can video call your doctor so that there is no exposure to the virus by going to the hospital. However, if the doctor advises, do get your child tested and take the medication, as prescribed.

  1. Measure your child’s temperature every 6 hours. Inform the doctor if it is more than 100 degree F . The doctor may advise sponging or may also prescribe medicines so that the fever comes down.
  2. It is crucial to check oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter. Record the levels and make a chart that you can show to the doctor.
  3. Ensure that you and your spouse are following all hygiene practices, like handwashing with soap, sanitizing the house regularly, using tissues while coughing and sneezing so that the child is protected against any other viruses or bacteria.
  4. Your child needs not only home cooked food, but also lots of fluids. Please make sure the kid is properly hydrated.
  5. The doctor will prescribe zinc, vitamin C, calcium and vitamin D tablets. This is important to boost immunity of the child.

Coronavirus in Kids: Precautions

Considering the spurt in the cases of covid symptoms in kids, it becomes essential for the parents to lessen the exposure as much as possible. With the schools being closed and country under lockdown, this can affect the child’s mental health as well. They start feeling lonely, and afraid. The parents need to take steps to ensure the children are not negatively affected. It also becomes as important to take necessary steps to prevent infection in kids. Taking precautions early on can go a long way in defeating corona virus.

A lot of reports have suggested that kids these days are acting as the silent carriers of the infections, as they go out to play. Even if they are asymptomatic, the kids can infect other family members, especially the grandparents who are at high risk.

  1. Do not let the children go outdoors.
  2. If you need to go out with your kids, maintain social distancing.
  3. Wearing mask is extremely important.
  4. Do not allow visitors at home.
  5. Make your child understand the need of washing hands and sanitizing frequently.
  6. Disinfect surfaces as frequently as you can.
  7. Do not home medicate. Always consult a doctor.
  8. Make them drink plenty of water.
  9. No outside food as it can be contaminated.
  10. If any adult member has to go out then, they need to sanitize immediately after coming back and take bath with hot water.

kid with stay at home banner

Long COVID in Children:

Long COVID or Post-COVID syndrome is being defined as the symptoms that affect the COVID patients long after recovery. There have been cases where the affected children have shown to be COVID Long Haulers. Some of the long haul symptoms are:

  1. Tiredness or Fatigue
  2. Sleep Disturbance
  3. Gastrointestinal Problems
  4. Headaches and Dizziness
  5. Difficulty in Concentrating.
  6. Irritability
  7. Taste or Smell may be Compromised

While the first wave of the COVID-19 attacked the elderly, the second wave targeted the youth. And now, it is being believed that the third wave can be dangerous for children. With cases of corona virus in kids increasing, it can become a huge problem as vaccine for kids in this age group has not been approved yet. The mass vaccination program is applicable for only those who are above 18 years of age. And therefore, it becomes crucial for parents and guardians to take as many precautions as they can to ensure the child’s safety.


The content is owned by Bindu Raichura. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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