Has Life REALLY Changed Since the 50s? [Video]

By: Mary Malcolm

We always hear older people talk about ‘back in their day’.

Has life really has changed over the years?

How things have changed since the 1950s video - Kids Activities Blog
How much COULD it really change?

Imagine life in the 1950’s, for instance.

Now imagine life today…

Differences Between Today & the 19502 Video

With all the changes that have happened since the days of Father Knows Best, I can only imagine what life will be like fifty years from now!  

Eeek Gads!

More Time Travel Fun

Want to see more amazing time warps?

Blossoming Into Science Video

It seems like only yesterday when Mayim Bialik was an awkward, hat-wearing teen…

Imagine If You Could Watch Your Child Grow Up Again Video

He took pictures of his daughter, Lotte, every day for fourteen years. You won’t believe your eyes.


Do you think things have changed in the last 70 years?

Source: https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/76287/it-is-amazing-how-much-life-has-changed/

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