The “Space” Between Brothers Harry and William Makes Moms Sad

By: Helene Wingens

While others were focused on the Meghan and Prince Harry interview for what it had to say about the forever-intriguing British monarchy, I sat and watched with a different focus. I watched with my eighty-eight year old mom who’s hard of hearing so I was forced to regurgitate the most recent section of the interview to her each time the show broke to commercial. 

When Harry spoke of his estrangement from his brother William, I summarized by telling mom that the brothers seem to be more or less estranged and while the rest of the news had earned an acknowledging nod this one garnered a “That’s so sad.” 

As the mom of three young men, I agree. 

The interview was filled with sadness and heartbreak and there was much detritus to sift through including mental health issues, financial break-ups, loneliness and royal protocol. Some lauded Harry’s strong support of his wife while others disparaged the couples’ lack of dedication to the crown. None of that is really in my wheelhouse.

William and Harry seem to be estranged

But when Harry said the following about his brother “As I said before, I love William to bits. We’ve been through hell together and we have a shared experience but we are on different paths” it struck a nerve. He looked so sad when he said it. 

Perhaps because I can clearly see my three sons as adults now, the fissure between Harry and William was most upsetting. Who can forget the heartbreaking scene of those two young boys following their mother’s casket? Even at the time, it was comforting to think that at least they had each other and I guess I just assumed they always would. 

But, ruptured relationships between siblings are not uncommon and it’s no surprise that grown ups go their own way. A mother just hopes they can go their own way without animus.

As a mom, you hope and pray that your kids continue to love and care for each other throughout their lives and after you’re gone. I’m sure Kate wishes that for her own children and Meghan will want that for hers as well. 

As I watched I thought of Diana and of how devastating it would be for her to see her sons at odds. I get that the world is a complicated place and sibling relationships can be shockingly fragile. 

Harry added later that, “The relationship is space at the moment and time heals all things, hopefully.”

Hopefully, he’s right and time does heal all wounds. 


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