Is Kleptomania in Children Preventive?

By: Bindu Raichura

“You are not a burden. You have a burden, which by definition is too heavy to carry on your own.”

A kleptomaniac behavioral attitude in a child is not his or her personal choice, but still, the child carries the burden of the negative eyes which stare at him because of his or her kleptomania disorder. As a guardian and a loving parent, we need to look at our kleptomaniac child from a medical and psychological perspective and not as a criminal offense. One needs a lot of patience and well-managed tips and tricks to resolve this significant issue with ease.


What is the Definition of Kleptomania?

Kleptomania definition, according to studies is, “Kleptomania is the inability to resist the urge to steal items, usually for reasons other than personal use or financial gain. First described in 1816, kleptomania is classified in psychiatry as an impulse control disorder.

Kleptomania in children is a sum of all the below mentioned pointers:

  • A psychological disorder that provokes the habit of stealing.
  • Irresistible urge to hoard and collect things that might not be of any use to the kleptomaniac and will be of insignificant financial value.
  • It’s not at all a criminal mindset.
  • Kleptomaniac disorder is more related to the thrill of stealing rather than the choice of objects being stolen.

Who is a Kleptomaniac?

A kleptomaniac is an individual who, because of a mental disorder, can not resist the desire to steal and hoard things, which are of insignificant value to him or her in terms of both money and usage. Kids also turn kleptomaniac because of peer pressure or because of the tried and tested pleasure of taking things without permission or without paying for.

What are the Symptoms of Kleptomania in Children?

Here are a few kleptomania symptoms in children:

  • A kleptomaniac steals because of the compulsive stealing desire and not to satisfy any revenge or dare or any personal gain.
  • The steal done by a kleptomaniac is without any prior planning or assistance from others.
  • Kleptomaniacs prefer to steal from public places like crowd gatherings in a party or stores or supermarkets.
  • Often the items stolen are of minimal financial value, but the situation might get worse if not controlled on time.
  • They might give, return or donate the items stolen.
  • The compulsive stealing desire might reduce or sometimes might take place at a repetitive pace.

kleptomania disorder

What are the Causes of Kleptomania in Children?

There are not one but many factors that contribute to the occurrence of kleptomania disorder in kids. Let’s identify the listed disorders and understand the reasons why a child becomes a kleptomaniac?

  • Neurotransmitters:

The presence of serotonin ( a brain chemical) in the brain is responsible for mood swings and emotional variation in any individual. So when the level of serotonin gets low, the kleptomania symptoms tend to occur.

Neurotransmitters present in our brain give signals to act or react in a particular manner. But when there is a problem in the smooth functioning of the neurotransmitters, the actions and reactions of individuals to any situation are different than usual. Dopamine, when released in the brain, generates the feeling of pleasure in kleptomaniac people when they steal.

  • Existing Psychiatric Disorders:

Psychiatric disorders like anxiety developed because of childhood abuse or neglect, sexual repression or physical abuse, abuse due to alcohol, smoking, and drugs, mood swings, eating disorders and stress are the other causes of kleptomania. Even people with depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder tend to behave in a kleptomania manner.

In certain cases, kleptomania was also identified as a genetic disorder. So families which have a history related to epilepsy, dementia, or brain injury are believed to have members with kleptomania disorder.

Is Kleptomania in Children Preventive?

Yes, it is preventive with help of the following methods:

  • Sensitize the Children:

The mindset of the children is like a lump of clay ready to get molded. So when you see kleptomania symptoms in your child, mentor them with the difference in the right and wrong way of getting things. Appreciate your child if he/she acknowledges his/her theft. And also encourage him to not repeat the wrong act.

  • Reprimand, don’t Scold:

Don’t shout or scold your child for theft. But do enquire from your child the reason behind stealing, and make them realize that it’s wrong.

  • Ask them to Apologize:

Once the kid accepts his/her wrongdoing, make them apologize either verbally or in writing.

kleptomania treatment

  • Check your Child’s Company:

Kleptomania also occurs in kids because of peer pressure. So keep an eye on the company of your kids.

  • Teach Ownership:

Teach your child what ethical buying is. Also, make him understand that s/he can not own everything they want.

Is there any Kleptomania Test to Identify the Disorder?

One may answer the list of given questions to identify and assess kleptomania in children:

  1. Do you constantly worry about matters that end up making you feel nervous & jittery?
  2. Does the family have any history of mental disorders?
  3. Have you ever tried to steal something?
  4. Is the urge to steal so immense that you cannot stop yourself?
  5. Have you ever felt the urge to steal something, without even knowing its value?
  6. When you realize an object is missing and you cannot find it, does your mind relax gradually or you feel passionately driven to find it?
  7. How do you behave in uncomfortable situations? Do you feel irritated and restless?
  8. Is dealing with stress a problem with you? How do you manage stress levels?
  9. Are there any unfitting thoughts or situations that you have faced which are causing stress to you?
  10. In parties or social gatherings, do you want to be among the crowd or alone?

What are the Treatment Options?

In medical science, apart from preventive psychological treatment options as shared above, there are certain psychiatric medications like naltrexone to reduce urges and pleasure to steal. A few more medication treatment options are those that can be categorized under antidepressants, mood stabilizers, anti-seizure medications, and Benzodiazepines. However, please remember that all these treatments are advisable only under medical guidance.

Getting to know that your child has kleptomania is saddening and devastating. But don’t get discouraged. Proper guidance, counseling, and the right treatment can always rectify this disorder of impulse stealing in kids. Remember, that a kleptomaniac child does not have natural control over their desire to steal. So don’t strike him with harshness. Instead, deal with politeness.


The content is owned by Bindu Raichura. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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