Hair Loss In Children And Effective Home Remedies

By: Bindu Raichura

Hair is the most important beautifying natural accessory for everyone. Hair is a matter of self-esteem for adults and even for children. No matter how much we care, hair loss in children happens at one point or the other. It depends on the child’s health, medical condition, or genetic factors to decide the cause for the hair loss in children.

hair loss in children

Sudden hair loss in children is also seen due to bad food habits and unhealthy lifestyles. However, parents should not take this as a simple thing and should consult a doctor to know the right causes for hair loss in children.

What are the Main Reasons for Hair Loss in Children?

There can be no specific reason for hair loss in children. However, the many reasons behind this could be in general such as environmental change or water change. It is common in winters for the hair to get dry and frizzy thereby aiding in hair loss in children.

It is also possible that a certain shampoo didn’t suit the children or any temporary allergic reactions to a newly tried shampoo. however, let us now understand the medical reasons for hair loss in children.

What are the Medical Reasons for Hair Loss in Children?

Some of the common medical conditions are discussed below:

  • Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency:

Hair loss in children due to vitamin deficiency is not as simple as the name suggests. This affects the hair follicle structure and also the overall hair growth. The underlying cause could be termed telogen effluvium, characterized by low protein intake and sudden weight loss, and can trigger niacin deficiency which leads to chronic telogen effluvium and alopecia areata.


  • Nutritional deficiencies like brittle nails, dry skin, and irritating skin.
  • Fatigue and weight loss
  • Increase in hair loss
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Cracks in the corners of the mouth


Treating the main root cause of vitamin deficiency helps in controlling hair loss. Sometimes, a doctor might suggest additional supplements to your children.

  • Tinea Capitis:

Commonly termed as ringworm of the scalp, Tinea capitis is the most known common cause of hair loss in children. Tinea capitis is contagious and is mostly a superficial layer fungal infection that affects the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes.


  • Inflammation, scaling, and itching
  • Black dot-like pattern of patches
  • Single or multiple patches of hair loss on the scalp
  • Sometimes, there are pus containing blisters

Note: These are the early signs that parents have to look at and check with the doctor for the clinical treatments after a proper diagnose.


Once the cause is diagnosed, the doctor could prescribe antifungal creams and anti-fungal shampoos. After the treatment has begun, children become non-contagious

Note: Make a habit in children from a young age not to share combs with everyone. This is the primary way of controlling any infections. Also, while in the treatment plan, avoid sharing pillows, hair bands, hair combs, or anything that comes in contact with the scalp and hair.

  • Alopecia Areata:

Alopecia Areata is termed as an autoimmune disease that affects the hair follicles. There will not be any signs of scaling of the skin but children tend to lose hair in patches.


  • Itching, tenderness, and burning sensation might be felt.
  • The sudden appearance of oval patches similar to that of baldness on the scalp.
  • Some children might have people tiny pits, dents, grooves, and slight splitting on the nails.
  • Other symptoms such as scaling and scaling might be absent.


There is no specific cause to pinpoint this condition. All those researchers can say is that it is due to the autoimmune system. However, in most cases hair will grow back normally within a year. Further, alopecia areata is neither contagious nor curable, as is the case with most autoimmune diseases.

However, treatment involving medication can help in controlling the disease with corticosteroids.

  • Telogen Effluvium:

Telogen effluvium is a condition where a significant increase in hair loss can be seen. This can be there for about 3 to 6 months. This sudden hair loss in children occurs due to extreme dieting, loss of essential minerals and vitamins over time due to poor eating habits, emotional stress, or any kind of trauma.


  • An increase in the amount of hair shedding on a child’s comb or during hair wash
  • Hair shedding on the pillow in the morning or can be in the house
  • Tenderness of the scalp.


The hair generally regrows once the child’s health gets better. There is no specific treatment for this. However, studies suggest that a lack of vitamin D improves the symptoms.

  • Trichotillomania:

Trichotillomania is often referred to stress-related condition, where the child is seen pulling out his/her hair resulting in hair loss in patches. In few cases, it gets better as children grow up. The parents need to control this habit and talk to their children about what is triggering stress levels and making them comfortable.


  • Areas are affected by force pulling of hair.
  • Pulling hair from eyelashes, eyebrows, and in some cases genital areas. This is seen in teenagers.


 In this scenario, it is crucial to treat the cause of stress and anxiety than hair loss. Educating the children about stress management helps them to a great extent. Parents are expected to support children emotionally is vital. They can also consult a therapist and discuss what can be done to relax them.

  • Dandruff or Seborrheic Dermatitis:

Uff Dandruff!! This is pretty irritating and is common for almost everyone. But, causes for hair loss in children also can be dandruff.

Dandruff can range from mild to severe depending on how stubborn it is. These flakes are white or yellow. Moreover, when these flakes get in contact with skin or fact, it also causes skin allergies.

  • Endocrine Problems:

Reasons for Hair loss in children could be due to hypothyroidism which means inactive levels of thyroid resulting in a severe loss.


Apart from hair loss other symptoms, other symptoms like constipation, cold intolerance also can be observed.


 Treating the condition and making the thyroid to normal levels can decrease the hair fall problem to some extent. Proper medications followed by good food intake promotes hair growth.

  • Medications and Other Treatments:

Sudden hair loss in children is sometimes due to the side effects of certain treatments or medications. One of such cases could be chemotherapy. Other class drugs also can lead to severe hair loss in children.


  • Loss of hair due to the usage of certain class medications.
  • Loss of hair in patches or hair thinning.


The doctor will help you out with such hair loss issues by changing the medication formulation which may not have suited you. In other cases, hair fall stops once the treatment is over.

Non-Medical Causes for Hair Loss in Children:

No matter if it is children’s hair or adult’s, there are certain procedures for hair care steps. As children have fragile hair strands, extra care should be taken. The non-medical causes of hair loss in children are:

  • Hair tied tightly into ponytails and braids.
  • Overusing a blow dryer makes the hair dry and then tends to fall.
  • Combing hair when still wet.
  • Using a narrow teethed comb.
  • Constant rubbing a child’s head on the walls, against the car seat, bead as part of playing or fun could lead to bald patches.
  • Traction alopecia commonly referred to as hair abuse is the damage caused to hair due to the latest techniques like bleaching, straightening, curling, and braiding. These can damage their delicate hair, unlike in adults.
  • Other reasons also include stress factors, deprived health conditions, dehydration, anaemia, extreme dieting, and emotional trauma. Parents are advised to carefully handle the children and consult a doctor or a therapist to treat the condition.

What are the Effective Home Remedies to Avoid Hair Loss in Children?

Home remedies play a major role in bringing your child’s joy. Though your children are getting medical treatment, home remedies are also a great option.

  • Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is a boon for humans. It nourishes the scalp and helps increase blood circulation. It also acts as a natural hair conditioner and keeps dandruff at bay.

  • Olive Oil:

Olive oil strengthens the hair follicle, prevents hair fall and cleans the scalp. You can also use mustard oil, jojoba oil and neem oil.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar:

A spoon of apple cider vinegar a day keeps hair loss away. Consult a doctor before giving this home remedy to your children.

  • Nutritious Diet:

Balancing the child’s food with the right vitamins A, E, C, biotin, zinc, and magnesium prevents hair fall.

  • Nutritional Supplements:

It is difficult for fussy eaters to attain all the nutrients through food. Therefore, it is essential to give all the nutrients needed for the body as supplements. Here are the examples of healthy dietary protein sources:

      • Beans
      • Eggs
      • Fish
      • Nuts
      • Lean meats
      • Seeds

There is no doubt hair loss is a huge thing for kids going to school who get targeted and bullied for this. the parents should consult a doctor immediately if the hair loss becomes severe and seems uncommon. Children will go through a diagnosis and a treatment plan and say goodbye to hair loss in children in no time, making them happy!


The content is owned by Bindu Raichura. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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