This Pool Float Is The Perfect Way To Swim With Multiple Kids At The Same Time

By: Shannon Carino

Are you currently dreaming of summer? Sunny days, warm temperatures, swimming!

There’s no harm in a little bit of dreaming right now, and pool days are even attainable if you have twins, or two under two, with a super fun dual float!

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The Poolmaster Mommy and US float is definitely a solution we all wish we had when our kids were smaller. Unlike most flotation devices, it is designed to hold two children plus their grown-up!

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Instead of a typical inner tube, this float features a U shaped tube for adults to lean on, then two round baby seats poking out like mouse ears.

The baby seats are like traditional floats, with drop seats for little legs to kick at the water, but the adult part allows parents to stay extra close to both kids.

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The tube is designed for babies from 8 months to two years, up to 40lbs each! There’s even four little inflatable sea creature toys for little ones to play with.

Courtesy of Amazon

The Poolmaster Mommy and US Swimming Pool Baby Rider is available on Amazon for $23.15. It might be the solution to all your double swimming problems this summer!

Courtesy of Amazon


The content is owned by Shannon Carino. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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