How To Make Your Home Pet- and Baby-Friendly

By: Pradeep

Whether you’re thinking of adopting a new pet, welcoming a new baby in your family, or you’re currently performing both roles, such situations require not only responsibilities for you as a parent and a pet owner, but also a comfortable home that is congenial for both your baby and pet. 

Having a pet entails many health benefits for people, and it’s also helpful in teaching your children values and social skills. A family that owns a pet is usually perceived to be positive and fun. However, as a parent and a pet owner, you’ll need to consider crucial health and safety precautions for babies and pets to be together in one home. This article will guide you on how to make your home safe for both your kids and pets. 

1. Invest In Pet- And Baby-Friendly Furniture

As soon as you have a pet or a baby in your home, you will realize the importance of your home furniture’s trivial features and functions. For example, having a stain-resistant fabric on your couch goes a long way, as it will save you the hassle of continually washing the couch whenever your pet or baby soils it. 

When purchasing furniture, your priority would be to ensure that it can resist stains or stinky odors, as it’s inevitable for your baby or pet to mess up surfaces. Hence, forget about velvet, silk, or tweed fabrics as they can easily be torn, scratched, and damaged. Opt for couches and chairs that are outfitted with synthetic microfiber and leather as stains can easily be wiped off from such materials.

Also, aside from fabrics and upholstery, you have to ensure that the furniture in your home doesn’t come with sharp edges that might hurt your pet and baby easily. If indeed, your furniture has some sharp edges, you can cover them up with corner protectors.

2. Use Baby Gates, Fences, And Dividers

It’s never easy for parents to keenly monitor a hyperactive child and animal at the same time. A pet or an energetic child can’t stay in one place without moving around. With all the mischievous ideas they could think of, the results could be dangerous for them. Hence, using the best baby gate with a cat door or flap is necessary. This will aptly keep your pet and baby apart. 

It goes the same for using indoor fences and dividers. Your baby can be safely tucked away from your large pets and still be able to see each other and play together. 

Pet gates

3. Choose Tiles Over Carpet

It’s time to bid carpets goodbye. Although it might not be a bad idea for your baby to lounge around on carpeted floors, it will still have to depend on whether they don’t have allergies to dust mites that could accumulate on carpets. As for pets, though, carpets are a big no. Many carpet materials fail to withstand stains and damage from pets. These are also prone to absorbing dirt and nasty odors, apart from offering a natural terrain for bacteria. 

For such reasons, it’s more practical to opt for tile flooring. Whatever kind of tile material you prefer will be good enough, as long as it’s highly resistant to stains and scratches. 

If you’re concerned about using soft floor rugs for your baby’s safety, you can always opt for soft foam mats for kids in your home. You can place them in your baby’s area. They’re removable and convenient to clean. 

4. Utilize Covered Garbage Bins 

Although this tip is probably a given for many households, it won’t hurt to emphasize it. It’s indispensable to purchase and use trash bins that have lids on them to prevent your pets from getting into your trash. Although not all animals love sniffing and lurking around the trash bins, some dogs or cats love to. They might bring them out and about, leaving them all strewn across your floor. This will be a health hazard for your baby as curiosity might get the best of him and eventually place the trash into his mouth. 

Avoid these dangerous outcomes by trading your open wastebaskets for trash cans with lids. This will make your home neater and safer for your baby too. When choosing a trash bin, purchase something durable and secure. It should be robust enough that your pet won’t be able to knock it over. 

5. Install Screens on Your Windows

If you haven’t installed screens on your windows yet, this would be the best time to do so. Primarily for safety or health reasons, it will prevent falls, especially if your pet or baby loves hanging out by the windows. Many house cats suffer from the “high-rise syndrome” in which they fall out from high-rise buildings and end up getting seriously injured or, in worst cases, death.

Screened windows also benefit your baby, as it provides extreme safety. Although there is a small chance for a baby to crawl and reach high windows, you can never predict accidents. Parents have a habit of holding their babies near the windows, so having screens will eliminate any possibilities of danger and mishaps.

6. Clean Baby And Pet Mess ASAP

Your home should be clean at all times. However, we understand that this advice is easier said than done. Every parent knows how hard it is to maintain the home when you have a growing child who loves to run around and create a mess everywhere and a pet that leaves dirt and odors on the floor. You must also be aware that accumulated dirt and mess will cause health problems for your baby and the entire family. 

Hence, you should spot-clean any mess as soon as possible. By utilizing a wet tissue, cloth, paper towel, and a diluted cleaning liquid, you can wipe clean the areas with dirt and bacteria on them. This quick method will eliminate bacterial growth and odor in the house. Your baby and pet can rest comfortably on any surface or corner of your home.


Making your home safe and healthy for your pet and kids should be a top priority. By applying these tips, you can make your home safe for your baby and pet.


The content is owned by Pradeep. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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