Different Types of Formula Milk For Your Baby

By: Bindu Raichura

Milk – the first and “only” food suitable for a newborn baby for many months. However, the question that is normally asked is: should this milk be only mother’s milk? Ideally yes, but that doesn’t mean formula milk for baby is bad. With breast milk, there is no confusion. There is just one, and you are done! However, we cannot say the same about formula milk for babies. Are the sheer numbers of choice scaring you? Worry not! We are here to throw some light on the different types of formula available for your baby.

Formula Feed

Whether you go to the store, talk to your pediatrician or check online, you are bound to come across a few names when you search formula milk. This is no more a niche market where just one or two brands break the stereotypical thinking that formula milk for baby is bad. Infant formula is a thriving market today, as both mothers and society have come to accept, this is indeed not harmful to the baby.

Ok, so let’s start at the very beginning.

Why Formula?

A mother’s body is, by nature, designed to produce breast milk for the newborn. However, this ideal situation does not prevail everywhere, just like the ideal height or ideal weight or ideal attitude does not. A mother’s body goes through a lot to grow that baby inside and keep it safe until it is time to come out to the world. So there may be situations where a mother is not able to produce breastmilk.

Some of the more common situations where breast milk for a baby is not feasible:

  • The mother suffers complications during childbirth that requires her to undergo surgeries and thus be put on pain killers and other medicines that are not safe for the baby.
  • Multiple births where the body is unable to produce enough milk for all babies.
  • The mother’s body is just not able to produce breast milk (yes this happens, and no there is nothing wrong with the mother).
  • Clogged ducts that take time to open up and produce the required quantity of milk.
  • Complications to the baby that require it to be taken away from the mother for a prolonged period of time.
  • Premature births or underweight babies that may require extra assistance through formula milk.

If you are opting for formula milk for your baby, the first and foremost thing to do is accept. Accept the situation and don’t allow society or other “mothers” to make you feel bad or guilty for your choice. You are doing what is best for your baby, and you don’t need anyone’s approval. Seek guidance only from your doctor and always go with a medical opinion and suggestion, rather than rely on what others “feel” is right for your baby.

Infant formula is made to ensure the baby receives all the required nutrients. Though formula milk for babies may not be as nutritious as breast milk, it covers all the important factors.

Infant Formula:

When you start looking at formula options for your infant, there will be a million questions racing through your mind:

  • What are the types of formula milk available in the market?
  • How do I choose a formula for my newborn?
  • How should I select the best infant formula milk, closest to breast milk?
  • Which is the cleanest baby formula for my child?
  • How do I decide which is the most healthy baby formula available? And so on.

Choosing Formula Milk for Baby:

With different types of formula milk available in stores, it could be pretty confusing for first-time mothers to choose the right one. When you are choosing the formula milk for baby – for your newborn child, there are a number of factors to consider:

  • Availability

    When it comes to choosing the best infant formula milk, the first and foremost concern should be availability. Many mothers make the mistake of choosing the most recommended formula milk for the baby on the internet without finding out if it is available in the market. Sometimes it is just unfortunate that you don’t live in a place that sells that particular formula.

    Even if you can afford the cost and efforts required to transport a particular brand of formula milk for a baby, do not go down this road unless your pediatrician specifically asks you to. The simple reason is, this is not dependable. What will you do if there is some economic crisis or other issues that are beyond your control? How will you bring that particular brand of formula milk for the baby to you?

    In such a case, though you can shift to a different brand, it is not advisable. Babies may not easily adjust to the change in taste. They might outright reject it or struggle to digest it. Not to forget other reactions to the formula (though rare, it does happen). This is too big a risk to take with a newborn. Though this is not scientific ally proven, it is always better to consider such things when it comes to babies who cannot clearly communicate their needs.types of baby formula

  • Cost

    You may feel all that money you earn is for your baby, and the baby’s health comes first. Right! But did you consider this formula journey may not end anytime soon? Initially, it may not seem like a lot of money. However, when you move on to buying multiple tins in a month, it may pinch your purse strings. So consider your options and draw out an approximate expense chart and decide. It would be best if you considered other baby-related expenses as well.

    On the contrary, if your doctor recommends this for various reasons, come up with ways to make these ends meet. Remember, if you cannot afford it, there is nothing wrong with consulting your doctor and opting for some formula milk for a baby that falls more in your budget. You are not doing anything wrong!

  • Stage

    Breast milk changes as the baby grow to provide the required nutrients for that particular phase of growth. Formula milk for babies is also made available in a similar manner. They are categorised according to the age of the baby. Hence you need to choose the right stage of formula milk for the baby. Feeding the baby something too late for their age will make them lose on important nutrients required for growth. While feeding them, something very advanced will make it difficult for their bodies to digest.

  • Allergies

    Babies are generally born with allergies. Some may cope-up with these allergies sooner than others. In the meantime, you need to find an infant formula that can suit your baby with allergies. This requires a proper medical assessment and recommendation to select the formula milk for the baby. Be sure to not buy any formula milk for baby available across the counter, just because the packing may sound convincing.

    Your pharmacist might suggest some alternate formula milk for your baby based on a personal story. This is not a professional medical opinion to go by. Your pediatrician will have to check the baby and assess what the allergies exactly are. Only then can the right formula milk for a baby can be decided upon.

Types of Formula Milk:

There are different types of baby formula available in the market today. Formula milk for baby is broadly classified into:

  • Dry formula milk for a baby that requires you to mix it with water
  • Ready to feed liquid formula milk for baby

While the liquid version of formula milk for baby is very convenient as you can use it as it is, it can be expensive. You are spared of measuring out the powder and water required to make the infant formula, but the shelf life of such formula milk for baby is very limited upon opening.

different types of baby formula

When it comes to dry powder formula milk for a baby, the process can be a little tedious, but also very convenient. When you are traveling or taking the baby somewhere, you just need to carry a bottle of suitable water and a powder packet with you. You can mix it and feed the baby anywhere, anytime. The only possible discomfort here is measuring the power and water when you are on the go.

Which Types of Formula Milk for Babies is Best?

Once you decide on the form of formula milk for baby (dry or liquid), you need to consider the next set of “types of infant formula”.

  • Cow’s Milk Formula

    Formula milk for babies is predominantly made from cow’s milk. Cow’s milk contains ‘casein’ and ‘whey protein’, two types of protein. The whey protein in cow’s milk is believed to be easily digested by babies when compared to other infant formulas.

    This type of formula milk for the baby can be continued till they are one year old. After the baby turns a year old, you can consult your pediatrician and switch over to whole cow’s milk.

  • Goat’s Milk Formula

    Though not very common, formula milk for babies is also made from goat’s milk. If you prefer this type of infant formula, you need to check the labels carefully to find out if it is indeed made of goat’s milk.

    This type of infant formula is also suitable right from birth. If your baby shows any allergic reaction to cow’s milk formula, this can be an alternative. Goat’s milk infant formula contains proteins similar to cow’s milk formula.

    However, it is important to note, that an infant diagnosed with lactose intolerance towards infant formula, will most likely be taken off any formula milk for baby- be it goat’s milk or cow’s milk.

  • Formula for Hungrier Baby

    Some babies are generally hungrier than others. They will digest the milk faster than others and will require a top-up feed more regularly. While increasing the quantity fed to them may seem to be the easiest solution, it is not advisable to do so. A baby’s stomach is very small and overfeeding them either by increasing the quantity per feed or increasing the number of feeds can make them very uncomfortable.

    The hungrier baby formula contains more casein than whey protein. The casein takes more time to digest and hence keeps the baby fuller for longer. This formula milk for baby ensures your baby is fed the advised quantity of milk but is satisfied for longer.

    Though available across the counter, opt for this formula milk for baby only if your pediatrician recommends it.

  • Stay Down Formula

    Many newborns suffer from reflux. This is a condition wherein the baby is unable to retain the milk they drink; they bring up the milk after or even during the feed itself.

    Breast milk is generally very diluted, and doctors might recommend an infant formula as a top-up feed to satiate the appetite of the baby. However, if the child is fully on formula milk, this type of milk might be recommended.formula milk

    The stay-down formula, also known as anti-reflux formula milk for babies, is thicker than other infant formula types. It is advisable to use this particular type of formula milk for babies only if recommended. The method or instructions for preparing this formula milk for the baby is different from that of others.

    If you opt for this type of formula milk for your baby, ensure you follow the instructions carefully and don’t prepare it like any other regular formula milk for the baby.

  • Comfort Formula Milk

    Every baby goes through a phase where they suffer from indigestion. This is not applicable to just solid foods but to milk too. Yes, even formula milk for the baby. Some babies just can’t digest the nutrients and proteins in the formula milk for the baby. This leaves them constipated and uncomfortable.

    No parent would want their baby to suffer, nor would they willingly sign up for days and nights of continuous crying, if they can help it. Science has come a long way, and there are different types of infant formula for different needs.

    A comfort formula is designed in such a way that the cow’s proteins are already broken down, making it easier for the baby to digest. There is no evidence as of yet to prove that this type of infant formula can ease constipation. Hence it is very important for you to check with your pediatrician before you can try this type of formula milk.

  • Lactose-Free Formula

    Many babies are born lactose intolerant. Formula milk for baby contains cow’s milk proteins that will be difficult for a lactose-intolerant child to digest. Hence the doctors will advise the mother to breastfeed the child as long as possible or at least till the allergies get better.

    However, not every mother can breastfeed for long or even for a few days. The lactose-free formula milk is a blessing in disguise for such mothers. This is available in pharmacies for you to choose from.

    Again, this type of formula milk for a baby should be given only after getting a go-ahead from the doctor.

  • Hypoallergenic Formula

    As seen above, infants can be allergic to cow’s milk proteins. In such a case, the best baby formula you can opt for is one that has the proteins broken down. Formula milk for babies with fully hydrolyzed proteins will be a good choice.

    Once the allergy is confirmed, the pediatrician will recommend suitable formula milk. Use this type of formula milk for the baby only if it is medically recommended.

    So how is this formula milk for babies different from the comfort formula milk discussed above? In the comfort formula, the proteins are only partially broken down. This makes it still unsuitable, for lactose intolerance or for babies with milk allergies.

  • Follow-up Formula

    For babies that are on breast milk, a follow-up formula will be recommended. This formula milk for babies will include age-appropriate proteins in higher concentrations than breast milk. As a baby grows, the demand will increase, and the mother’s milk will not be able to meet all demands.

    This follows up formula milk that can be given in addition to breast milk and other semi-solid foods. Your little heart can continue with infant formula if you and your doctor decide it’s the best course. However, ensure you never give this type of formula milk to a baby less than six months old.

What is the Closest Formula to Breast Milk?

As your baby crosses the one-year mark, the nutrient requirement will also change. Though there are many brands that sell formula milk for baby stage-wise, it is not an infant formula anymore.

Cow’s milk can be given to your one-year-old toddler. If they are not comfortable digesting it yet are taking time to adjust to the taste and texture, you can opt for growing-up formula milk. Check with the doctor, and if the brand you are currently using has this category, move on to it.

This type of formula milk can come in handy when you travel. Different places will have different cow’s milk. Also, when you give cow’s milk, it needs to be properly boiled to kill all the microorganisms in it. When you have no access to a stove or are traveling for long hours, this formula milk can be a good option.

Best Infant Formula Milk:

As a parent, the very first criteria to mark off your list when it comes to choosing the right formula milk for baby will be the quality. No prizes for guessing, you will settle for nothing less than the best baby formula available to you when it comes to feeding your bundle of joy. While there are many products available in the market to choose from, exercise caution when you select. Take your time, gather information, and then choose the formula milk.

You can ask fellow parents, midwives, and doctors to add information to your research. Gather all your information, make a list of your doubts and discuss it with your baby’s pediatrician. Don’t go for the very first product you see or hear of. Never opt for any particular formula milk for the baby just because someone says it could help your baby sleep better. Always, always, ALWAYS get a medical opinion before you choose any formula milk for a baby that caters to specific needs.

Source: https://www.beingtheparent.com/different-types-of-formula-milk-for-your-baby/

The content is owned by Bindu Raichura. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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