Best Spa Treatments for Pregnant Women

By: Pradeep

If you’re pregnant, there’s little doubt you’ve considered booking a spa day at  – or at least an hour or two of relief from the constant physical strain that pregnancy and childbirth cause. At Novuskin, we understand pregnancy may stir up concerns about safety and comfortability. Perhaps you have questions about what you can and can’t do while you’re pregnant, such as, is it safe to sit in a hot tub during pregnancy? Are chemicals safe to put on my skin? And, how can I lay comfortably to get a massage during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and Safety at the Spa

If you’re asking these questions, we think that makes you very wise! You’re growing a baby inside you, and that means you need to take extra care.


Before you pick up the phone to book that massage or facial, there are some things you should know to keep you and your baby safe and comfortable during your spa visit.

Spa Treatments You Can (and Can’t) Enjoy While Pregnant

There’s a difference between the technology-based, medical spa treatments we offer at Novuskin Las Vegas, and the topical, hand-applied treatments you receive at day spas. For this reason, Novuskin, and many other med spas, are more selective about the treatments that can be booked by pregnant (and nursing) women.

Keep reading to learn more about which spa treatments should be avoided, and which allow you to fully indulge.

Sitting in a Sauna or Hot Tub During Pregnancy

Chances are good that sitting in a sauna or hot tub doesn’t sound that appealing right now, which is perfect. Because it’s also not recommended.

Treatments that could increase your body temperature are not safe during pregnancy. states, Limited research has shown a small increased risk of neural tube defects — serious abnormalities of the brain or spinal cord — in the babies of women who have fevers during early pregnancy.’ Researchers aren’t sure whether increased body temperature due to saunas or hot tubs can produce the same effects, so they strongly urge caution.

While the sauna is completely discouraged, suggests these precautions be taken if you do choose to sit in a hot tub while pregnant:

  • Limit time in the hot tub to less than 10 minutes.
  • Avoid submerging your head, arms, shoulders and upper chest.
  • Get out of the hot tub if you feel any discomfort.

Getting Body Scrubs During Pregnancy

At Novuskin, we recommend avoiding all scrubs during pregnancy. This is because hormonal changes cause fragile skin, and harsh scrubs can result in microtears. These can be painful and cause irritation. More importantly, they can lead to infection or illness as chemicals and bacteria can find their way inside.

If you must exfoliate, do so gently with a loofah or soft washcloth. Be sure to finish with an application of an all-natural lotion, such as Earth Mama Belly Butter, to help your skin stay healthy and battle stretch marks.

Getting a Massage While Pregnant

Mass-aaahhhh-ge. For many pregnant women, it’s not just a luxury, but a necessity.

While the American Pregnancy Association deems massage safe during your entire pregnancy, there is a known higher risk of miscarriage during the first 12 weeks, so some therapists choose not to treat women at this time.

Pregnancy and Safety at the Spa

Other precautions to take when receiving massage:

  • Visit highly reputable spas. This is not the time to take chances with cleanliness or professionalism. 
  • Insist on laying ‘side-lying.’ Instead of laying on your stomach, lie on your left side. This makes sure there is no pressure on your baby bump or aorta. Your therapist can give pillows to help you be more comfortable.
  • Skip the ankles before 37 weeks. Massage on the feet feels oh-so-good during pregnancy, but there is a theory in acupressure that massage on the ankles can induce labor. So if you must have your feet kneaded (and we don’t blame you), have your therapist avoid the ankles.
  • Keep the pressure light, especially on the legs. During pregnancy, there’s a higher risk of blood clots in the legs. Deep pressure can dislodge these clots, creating a dangerous medical situation.
  • If you aren’t feeling well, stay home. If your body is ill, even with morning sickness, massage can make it worse.

Getting Facial Treatments While Pregnant

At Novuskin, we are careful about the treatments we provide during pregnancy. Here are four pregnancy facials we offer that are safe and nourishing, even with all your hormonal changes.

  1. Fire & Ice

    This luxurious treatment is also known as “Red Carpet Glow” because it gives you the kind of glow you see on the red carpet! This treatment begins with a deep, resurfacing mask and hydradermabrasion that gently softens skin and removes dead cells. It’s completed with a hydra-cool mask and an ice globe treatment to increase blood flow and improve lymphatic drainage. Your skin will be detoxified, leaving you smoother and younger-looking.

  2. Hydradermabrasion

    Hydradermabrasion, the cousin of the more indelicate microdermabrasion, uses water to resurface the skin. A thin stream of water and a diamond tip remove dead cells gently to avoid irritation. Newly resurfaced skin is also deeply cleansed and receptive to hydration, making this a safe and effective treatment for hormonal skin.

  3. Enzymatic Pores Cleanse Treatment with Extractions

    Our enzymatic pore cleansing treatment offers two powerful advantages with one mask. This unique mask provides a gentle yet effective exfoliation while imparting deeply hydrating and nourishing serums. To help with the effects of heightened sebaceous gland activity, we also perform extractions, working within your pain tolerance to ensure your comfort.

  4. Caviar Facial

    Our award-winning, Caviar Facial leaves your skin brighter, smoother, hydrated, and lifted. Our own in-house Caviar-based skincare line is applied while we use our BioLong device. This device assists with two highly-beneficial processes: it helps remove toxins and bacteria from your skin while forcing products deep into the dermis where physiological changes can be made to the skin. The BioLong will aid in skin renewal and help increase collagen and elastin production.

Any of these facial treatments are designed to help you get that healthy pregnancy glow!

Getting Manicures And Pedicures While Pregnant

Manicures and pedicures are very safe during pregnancy. Here are a few tips to stay safe and enjoy your treatment.

  • Avoid gel polish. While the chemicals in regular polish are not absorbed into the skin, gel polish involves harsh chemicals, especially during removal.
  • Keep the water temperature in your foot bath low. You may experience discomfort if you begin to feel too warm.
  • Ask your pedicurist to keep the massage nice and gentle. Also, have them avoid the ankle area. If anything hurts, don’t be afraid to let them know.

Getting Hair Removal While Pregnant

There’s no reason why a woman can’t have waxing services while pregnant, and with a likely influx of hormones, your hair might be growing thicker and faster than normal. However, as we’ve discussed, the skin is especially delicate during pregnancy. So if you can help it, wait till after the baby is born.

If you’re thinking about laser hair removal, consider postponing. According to, adequate research hasn’t been done to prove the safety of laser hair removal during pregnancy. Healthline quotes Dr. Kelly Jago, an OB-GYN in St. Augustine, Florida, who says, “My best advice would be that if one could hold off on this elective procedure until after the pregnancy, I would recommend doing so,” she says.

Is Acupuncture Safe During Pregnancy?

Acupuncture is not only considered safe during pregnancy, but it’s also celebrated for its ability to relieve common pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, sciatica, and headaches, and can even improve your sleep! Be sure your acupuncturist gets great reviews and has the proper education to treat you while pregnant. 

In Conclusion

Don’t be afraid of a spa visit while pregnant. Take precautions and ask plenty of questions! This is a great time to get in some ‘me-time’ before your baby comes along, so take advantage of opportunities to rest, relax, and relieve your body of pain and stress.


The content is owned by Pradeep. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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