Here Are The Most Popular Names From Around The World [Video]

By: Mary Malcolm

Growing up my class had more Jennifer’s than any other name.

I remember being so jealous that my name was Mary and not Jennifer.

Mostly because the Jennifer’s all seemed to get along.

Most popular baby names in the world video - Kids Activities Blog
Names are soooo important around the world!

It was that recognition that came from having the same name.

But turns out, in the US at least, there are more Mary’s and James’s than any other name.

screenshot from most popular name video
Wait up Wild Bear!

I never would have guessed that as the Jennifer’s held their Jennifer-only sleepovers.

Sure, Mary wasn’t popular for my generation, but before that?

Boy HOWDY were there a lot of Mary’s floating around!

screenshot from popular names video
Hey! There are the names Mary & James!

But where did names even come from?

A name is basically a sound you make to get someone’s attention, and yet over the past 100,000 or so years since human’s began using language, names have become so much more than that.

Like, did you know names used to be used to designate who a person was? ‘Baker’, ‘Cook’, ‘Son of John’, names were a way of identifying family trade and so much more.

screenshot from popular baby names video
Would they be the same under another name?

Now, though, names are more fluid and parents work hard at finding the most unique name they can for their children.

So what’s in a name?

Take a look!

Most Popular Baby Names Around the World Video

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