Annaprashan (First Rice-Eating Ceremony) – For Baby Boy

By: Bindu Raichura

Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended until six months of age. Therefore, once the baby reaches this benchmark, it’s time to start solids. In Hindu tradition, this happens with the bang of Annaprashan/Annaprasana or rice-eating ceremony. Find out everything about Annaprashan (first rice eating ceremony) for baby boys.

Witnessing the growing milestones of your baby is a memorable moment in a parent’s life. Many ceremonies are conducted in different cultures and religions to mark these turning points in the child’s life.

Annaprashan is one of those ceremonies that pour blessings and wishes to the infant as he enters a new phase of life.

Annaprashan baby boy

What Is Annaprasana?

Annaprashan/Annaprasana is the holy ceremony, which is a part of Hindu Culture, and that marks the beginning of a baby’s first food intake apart from the milk. It is celebrated in many parts of India and called by many names.

Among Hindu families in Kerala, it is called “choroonnu”, whereas, in Bengal, the rice eating ceremony is known as Mukhe Bhaat. This kind of ceremony is also found among Parsis. For convenience, you can call it a weaning ceremony or rice eating ceremony.

Annaprashan is one of the most important ceremonies in Hindu families that come before the first birthday of the infant. The other two important ceremonies are jatakarma/ ceremony in which we welcome the newborn to this world, and namakarana, or naming ceremony.

Even though the rites and rituals of Annaprashan vary from region to region, the basic concept is the same – welcome the baby to the world of solid foods.

When to do Annaprasana for Baby Boy?

The baby gets his first teeth around the sixth month. This is the body’s way to signify the baby is ready to eat solids. The nutritional needs of the baby also increase around this time as they go through another growth spurt.

Also, around 6 months the digestive system of the baby enters the next level, eligible to digest many food items. All these provide a favorable situation to start solids. Annaprasana for baby boys is held in even months.

Usually, this function is performed during the sixth or eighth month. Either way, it should be performed before the baby turns one year old.

Why is the Annaprashan Ceremony Performed?

The importance of Annaprasana can vary from one person to another. However, the ritual is based on the same principle. Bless the baby during one of his big steps on the journey of life. Food has an important part in our life. So, it is worth a day of celebration when the little one is ready to start his solids.

This occasion is considered sacred and important as it marks a milestone in the growth and development of the baby. It is during this ceremony, the baby gets introduced to staple food – rice. This ceremony is usually conducted in a holy ambiance.  Even though it varies, all rice-eating ceremonies have some rituals.

During the occasion of Annaprasana for baby boys, the baby is dressed in a beautiful costume. More often, the traditional costume of that particular region opts as an Annaprasana dress for the baby boy. The home or venue where the ceremony is conducted will be beautifully decorated.

Relatives, well-wishers, and friends will be invited to bless the baby. The feast will be arranged to feed the invitees.

Where is Annaprasana of Baby Boy Performed?

The baby boy’s Annaprasana can be conducted either at home or in a rented venue. However, traditionally it was conducted in a house or temple. Recently, parents have been going the extra mile, assigning two whole days for the ceremony.

On the first day of Annaprasana for baby boys, most of the traditional ceremonies will be conducted. The second day is the time for partying and feasting with friends and family.

Some parents think of performing Annaprasana for baby boys in some particular temple or temples as a part of their offering. In that case, the baby will start to have his solids only after performing this ceremony in those temples.

In Kerala, most of the temples provide assistance to conduct this ceremony. Some temples are even especially renowned for this ceremony(for example, Guruvayoor). On the other hand, when you go to central or eastern India, most of the families opt to perform Annaprashan at home. In that case, there will be a priest or pandit to help with the religious rituals.

What Kind of Foods is Offered to the Baby During Annaprashan?

It is important to know the food should be included and not be included in a ceremony of Annaprasana for baby boy.

Many traditions say that the baby should be introduced to three main tastes – sour, sweet, and salt – during this ceremony. However hot and pungent items should not be included in the Annaprasana ceremony.

Even though some communities include dishes like pulao, meat, and fish, traditionally non-vegetarian items are not included during the ceremony of Annaprashan.

Only simple and healthy items, mostly food that is prepared in the home especially for the baby is offered during the Annaprasana of baby boys. The main food items served during the Annaprashan are:

  • Ghee
  • Kheer
  • Plan rice mashed with ghee or dal
  • Imli
  • Salt
  • Jaggery

Every dish prepared for the baby will be touched to his tongue at least once during that day. In many traditions, the maternal uncle of the baby is used to perform the feeding. In some parts of India, the father, or mother is also used to feed the baby on that day.

What Should we Keep for Annaprasana?

Before starting the Annaprasana for baby boys, it is important to arrange all needed things including the Annaprasana food items for baby boys. All the pooja samagris (holy items like lamps, flowers, basil leaves, etc) should be arranged in advance. Here is a quick checklist of the most commonly needed items for Annaprasana for baby boys.

  • An appropriate bowl and spoon. If possible get a silver spoon and bowl for this auspicious occasion.
  • Basil leaves
  • Ghee
  • Honey
  • Food items made for Annaprasana including the kheer.

How to do Annaprasana for Baby Boy:

A specific day that suits your baby should be fixed after consulting a Pandit. The rituals of the ceremony may differ from region to region. However, some basic customs remain the same for many regions.

  • There will be an Annaprasana dress for the baby boy. More often this new cloth will be dhoti and shawl/ kurta or shirt
  • Sometimes, a small thread colored in turmeric powder will be tied on the right hand of the baby boy.
  • Usually, the elder member in the family or father or mother will perform the formal procedure of Annaprasana. In some regions, it is the right of the maternal uncle of the baby boy.
  • Whoever is going to give the first food to the baby should sit on a mat or cloth that is spread on the floor. Oil lamps will be placed facing the person.
  • More often the ceremony starts with Ganesha pooja. Sometimes, it will be followed by offering prayers to Goddess Durga and Sri Krishna. All these poojas are for the health and well being of the baby boy
  • Before or after Annaprasana for baby boys, many families used to perform Annadanam (food donation to poor people, children in orphanages, or old people in shelters).

Some common steps of Annaprasana for baby boy are:

Step #1: Inviting  Friends and Family

After deciding the date and venue, the first step is inviting friends and family. Your baby boy needs all the blessings of elder family members. Also, this is an occasion during which you can introduce your little prince to your friend circle.

Some parents choose to celebrate this auspicious occasion grandly by designing Annaprasana cards for the invitation. In fact, some parents place their baby’s palm prints on the card to give it a personal touch.

Step #2: Patra Pujan (Respecting and Worshiping the Utensils used to Prepare and Serve the First Food)

This is another important step of Annaprasana for a baby boy. When it comes to Annaprasana, the utensil in which the baby’s first food is being cooked is very important. Some metals from which the utensils are made, for example, silver, copper, iron, etc. have medicinal value.

Silver spoon and bowl are mostly used to give the baby his first food. Many families have this item in their home, which is passed down from generations. Silver metal is believed to be most positive for the body.

Now, let’s make out the step-by-step procedure of Patra Pujan:

  1. Arrange neatly all the utensils including the item in which the first food is served to the baby on the floor
  2. Draw swastika sign on all utensils
  3. Offer flowers, basil leaves, akshat (rice grains) to them
  4. Pray for the ambiance and the utensils to fill with positive energy that would pass to the baby

Step #3: Anna Sanskar (Preparation of First Meal)

Kheer is the ideal first food to use for Annaprasana for baby boy.  It is important to make the first meal from the bottom of your heart with lots of prayers. It is usually prepared by the mother or grandmother of the baby.

While preparing kheer for Annaprasana for the baby boy they pray for the baby to attain good health, good luck, mental stability, prosperity, great thinking abilities, and good character.

Here are Some Tips for Preparing Kheer for Annaprasana for a Baby Boy:

  • Make sure the total quantity of the kheer should be enough to make an offering to the fire and feed the baby.
  • It is important to take care of the consistency of the kheer. As the baby is moving to the solid from the liquid, the kheer should be thin enough for the baby to ingest. So prepare it in semi solid consistency.
  • Add holy ingredients like honey, basil leaves, and ghee. If you have Ganga water at home, add a few drops of this holy water as well. All these ingredients are considered therapeutic, auspicious, and nourishing,
  • Feed the baby as per his age requirement (he might be either six or eight-month-old) and capacity of digestion. Too much quantity during his first solid can trigger indigestion and issues associated with it.

Why Is Kheer or Payasam Important in Annaprashan?

Kheer is an integral part of Annaprasana for baby boys in many cultures. There is a reason behind this. First of all the white color of kheer represents purity and divinity. Another reason is it is easy to digest.

Step #4: Vishesh Ahuti

This step of Annaprasana for the baby boy is to seek blessings for the first meal of the baby.  For this, the whole kheer which is prepared along with the vessel in which it is prepared is kept in a pooja room or the worship place. This first meal is offered 5 times to the fire that is lightened in the pooja room.

If there is a Pandit, he will perform this pooja. Or the elder family member will do it with mantras and prayer. If performed in a temple, the priest will handle this part.

After completing this special offering to the god, the kheer will be taken in the silver bowl/ normal bowl. The first food of the baby boy is ready to be fed.

After the baby had his first serve of solid food, the other family members feed him more food. They bless him and shower him with gifts. In many cultures, the rice ceremony would end with Jeevika Parikaha.

What is Jeevika Parikaha?

This is a part of the rituals of Annaprasana for the baby boy. This ritual is believed to decide the interest of the baby and his possible future. But nowadays it is considered as a fun play that marks the end of the ceremony.

Many symbolic objects will be placed on a big plantain leaf or silver tray. Make the baby sit near this and encourage him to take something. It is believed that what the baby touches determines his area of interest in the future.

The family and friends used to cheer for the little one. The common objects that are placed for jeevika parikaha are:

  • Haldi and kumkum representing saubaghya or luck
  • Jewels representing wealth
  • Clay representing properties
  • Pen represents wisdom
  • Book represents learning
  • Food items representing the mind of love, empathy, and charity

Return Gift for Annaprasana for Baby Boy:

Even though not a custom, today many parents plan to give some return gifts for the invitees of Annaprashan. Are you in search of return gift ideas of Annaprasana for a baby boy? Well, small baskets of sweets with a thank you card will serve the purpose!

Tips to Make Annaprasana for Baby Boy Memorable:

  • Plan everything ahead. Arrange the priest, order pooja items, utensils, etc as soon as the date is fixed.
  • Make sure there is enough space to accommodate the invitees. If possible, convert an area to a play space where the kids of the group can gather, occupy themselves, and play. This way, it will be easier to manage the children.
  • Place some toys and board games that are suitable for different age groups. You can also hire a maid to take care of and keep an eye on the little guests.
  • Hire a photographer or give the responsibility of taking the pictures to one of your friends or relatives. This way you will not miss capturing the candid and beautiful moment of the ceremony and document the celebration.
  • If the Annaprasana is organized in a home or a rented venue, spend some money and time on Annaprashan decoration. You can find a number of Annaprashan decoration ideas at home on the internet. Make sure Annaprashan decorations are colorful yet simple.
  • You can also keep a book and ask the guests to pen down their wishes and experience. Believe me, it would be a wonderful experience to go through it when the baby is big enough to read.

Tips to Make Annaprasana for Baby Boy Success:

  • Make sure the baby is well-rested prior to the ceremony. Also, breastfeed him to make sure he is not hungry.
  • It is important to consider some points while you choose the rice ceremony dress for the baby boy. Since the child has to remain in the same dress until the ceremony is over, select loose clothes of soft and natural fabric. The cloth should be comfortable for the baby.
  • Never choose a dress that comes with heavy embroidery, mirror works, or metallic thread work. All these can irritate the delicate skin of the baby and annoy him. Remember that a happy baby will make the ceremony successful to a greater extent.
  • Try to invite the relatives and family members whom the baby is familiar with rather than going for a huge gathering like a wedding. By limiting the gathering you can bring down the chances of the baby becoming cranky and overwhelmed seeing a bunch of strangers.
  • Make sure the venue is well-ventilated.

Food Safety Precautions to Keep in Mind During Rice Ceremony:

As your baby boy is still very young, it is important to take some safety precautions while performing Annaprasana for baby boys.

  • It is important to double-check all the ingredients used to prepare the baby food is of good quality and prepared under super hygiene conditions.
  • Make sure the person who holds the baby and performs the ceremony wash hands thoroughly right before the function.
  • Keep a towel at the reach and wipe the excess food that lingers around the mouth softly. A box of soft tissues also serves the purpose.
  • In case there is homam or havan during Annaprashan, make sure the baby is not too close to the fire. The smoke and heat from the fire are harmful to the baby. It could cause a burning sensation in his eyes and throat. Also, make sure the venue is well-ventilated.
  • Make sure the baby is not overfed. It is not wise to give many foreign foods at once. Therefore, limiting the quantity is the key.
  • You can also consult the doctor before the ceremony to make sure the food items you included are safe for the baby ( that it will not cause indigestion and other issues)
  • A well-stocked diaper bag is a necessary item if the function is not held at home. Also carry some extra dresses to change, a few wet tissues, and towels to the venue.
  • Also, take one or two favorite toys of your baby boy with you. This will help to soothe the baby when he becomes cranky.

Good Time for Annaprasana for Baby Boy 2021:

When it comes to the ideal date to perform the ceremony, days in sukla pakzha (days after the new moon) of the month are usually selected. However, some other factors are also considered by pandits while selecting the ideal date for the Annaprashan.

You can select an appropriate day for Annaprashan for baby boy with the help of shub muhurth for Annaprasana 2021 listed below.  You can also seek an opinion from a Pandit, as the exact muhurth will be suggested depending on gender and time, and date of birth of the baby.

However, this list will help you to roughly plan when to conduct Annaprasana for baby boys.

Shubh Muhurth For Annaprashan 2021

Date Time

January 2021

1/1/2021 08:40-13:15
8/1/2021 07:46-11:22
14/01/2021 10:59-15:54
15/01/2021 07:46-09:27
18/01/2021 09:16-10:43
20/01/2021 07:45-12:00
28/01/2021 14:59-19:34

February 2021

1/2/2021 19:18-23:52
4/2/2021 07:39-09:36
22/02/2021 07:24-08:25
24/02/2021 20:05-22:22
25/02/2021 07:21-09:38

March 2021

1/3/2021 07:58-12:53
3/3/2021 07:15-07:50
5/3/2021 10:42-17:13
10/3/2021 16:53-21:27
11/3/2021 07:19-14:29
15/03/2021 07:03-08:28

April 2021

1/4/2021 13:06-15:27
16/04/2021 21:21-23:39
19/04/2021 06:23-11:55
28/04/2021 18:14-22:52
29/04/2021 07:06-13:36

May 2021

3/5/2021 06:50-08:46
5/5/2021 15:30-20:06
13/05/2021 06:11-08:06
14/05/2021 06:14-08:03
17/05/2021 07:22-12:26
21/05/2021 16:44-22:48
24/05/2021 07:23-09:38
26/05/2021 07:15-11:50

June 2021

4/6/2021 06:40-11:15
28/06/2021 18:52-22:39

July 2021

1/7/2021 07:08-09:29
7/7/2021 06:45-13:39
15/07/2021 06:13-08:34
16/07/2021 06:36-13:03
26/07/2021 07:50-14:44
28/07/2021 12:16-16:54
30/07/2021 20:33-23:25

August 2021

6/8/2021 07:07-14:00
11/8/2021 11:21-18:03
12/8/2021 17:59-19:42
13/08/2021 06:40-11:13
20/08/2021 06:24-10:46
23/08/2021 17:16-20:26
26/08/2021 18:47-21:39
27/08/2021 06:27-08:02

September 2021

1/9/2021 07:42-12:18
8/9/2021 07:15-09:31
9/9/2021 07:11-09:27
13/09/2021 06:55-09:11
16/09/2021 09:00-11:19

October 2021

7/10/2021 14:19-17:29
8/10/2021 07:33-09:53
14/10/2021 20:02-21:57
15/10/2021 09:25-15:30
18/10/2021 13:36-18:11
20/10/2021 09:05-11:24
25/10/2021 08:46-14:51
28/10/2021 07:01-10:53

November 2021

3/11/2021 08:10-10:29
10/11/2021 10:01-13:48
17/11/2021 07:16-11:38
22/11/2021 09:14-11:18
24/11/2021 09:06-15:45
29/11/2021 07:26-12:33

December 2021

2/12/2021 08:35-13:49
8/12/2021 07:33-11:58
10/12/2021 08:04-13:17
13/12/2021 07:36-07:52
31/12/2021 11:55-13:20


The content is owned by Bindu Raichura. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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