Being A Parent Is Harder Than Expected

By: Becky Mansfield

Yesterday, I ran into someone who followed my blog and she said, “When I had a baby, I could barely get through the day. I read your post about when being a parent is harder than expected. I loved it and still do, but the struggle is real — you are tired, guilt-ridden, and just plain exhausted some days.”

And isn’t it true? Being a parent is harder than expected. But at the same time being a parent is the most rewarding job in the world.

Do you feel like being a parent is harder than expected? You are not alone. Come find encouragement from other parents who have been there.

If being a parent is harder than expected, you’re going to love these suggestions from other moms. If anything, these suggestions below will remind you that you are not in this alone.
Sometimes that is all we need…to know that there are others in the trenches with us.

5 Encouraging Truths When Being a Parent is Harder than Expected

  1. Everyone has a struggle. Many times we can think we are the only ones who are struggling. Know that every parent thinks that parenting is hard — you are not alone!
  2. Practice self-care. When I am feeling especially drained from parenting, I evaluate my personal care. Am I getting enough sleep? How often am I exercising? Am I eating well? Am I investing in my hobbies? Parents need to take care of themselves so that they can care for their kids — this includes moms and dads!  Try these ideas to feel better in no time! 
  3. Have a fun day! Recently, we had a tough parenting week, so when the weekend came we took the kids to the beach. It was a fun day and we were reminded of how much we love being together. Just laughing and having fun together can encourage you!  You can be a fun mom
  4. Remember it is just for a season. Every parenting struggle is just a phase and just for a season. Each age has its own set of ups and downs.
  5. Seek out a parenting mentor. During a particularly challenging parenting season, I sought out a mentor. I found an older woman that I respected and we met regularly. Hearing her wisdom and advice was exactly what I needed.

5 More Encouraging Truths When Being a Parent is Harder than Expected

  1. What you are doing matters. When things are not going well, it is easy to think that you are not making an impact but remember that you are! What you do through actions and words is constantly imprinting on your kids.
  2. You are not always going to feel happy. Every day is not going to be a day filled with laughter and joy. There are going to be frustrating moments, tears, and anger. We can move through these, grow closer, and move on.  You can still be a fun mom when you feel anything but fun. 
  3. Find a community.  Parenting alone is like being on an island. Find other moms or couples to connect with. Parents just need to laugh together and be reminded that we are not alone!
  4. Keep your marriage a priority.  If you are married, keep your marriage as a priority. You need each other- you are a team fighting for the same purpose.  Work on your marriage every day.
  5. Be confident in your parenting. As parents, we hear tips and advice pouring from every angle possible.  Listen to the advice and then evaluate if it applies to you. Be confident in how you are parenting- even if it is different than the average.  

What about you? What tips would you share?   Share them on our Facebook page, where we share our favorite parenting tips!


The content is owned by Becky Mansfield. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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