easy easy halloween decor

By: Holly

Let me start this with a tiny, little admission… I am NOT a big holiday decorator. Just the THOUGHT of decorating something that will last only a few weeks makes me tired.   I do toss around a little tinsel at Christmas, but I have tried to avoid Hobby Lobby for the minor holidays. spooky awesome halloween decorations And then I realized that the boys LOVED the festive attention. And then I realized that decorating for anything together as a family is a tradition-building event. I find that the Target Halloween collection is a life saver when you need quick decorations

Then I realized I should really get in gear because it could be fun. Couldn’t it? I decided I needed to plan something that the boys could do.  My glue gun has been in storage for 10 years so it would be best to find some easy Halloween decorations that could get them involved.  This project starts with this: halloween decor before grave yardThis is a strange rock wall encased area in my yard.  Don’t ask me how it ended up this way.   It made more sense on the house plans than in real life.   The grass doesn’t grow well in this very shaded area and it functionally serves no purpose. It reminds me of a place that a tortoise would live.   Since I am not ready for a 120 year pet commitment, let’s go with plan B! Plan B is a festive Halloween Grave Yard!

I really don’t understand Halloween decorations.   It all seems very morbid, but stay with me…

The boys helped me pick out some cheap Halloween decorations, a.k.a. Styrofoam grave stones at Target. I find that the Target Halloween collection is a life saver when you need quick decorations.

styrofoam grave stonesOh, and they wouldn’t leave without the plastic bag of bones. boy holding a Halloween plastic skullI directed a general grave yard layout session with the boys and handed out grave stones. They set them up all by themselves and then arranged the bag of bones into a skeleton. Boy arranges bones of a skeleton for halloween decorationsIt was then that we had a little Anatomy Lesson (after all, it was a home school day).  Our bag of bones was missing some MAJOR BONES.  

And despite my two summer cadaver-dissecting experience, I was not able to distinguish whether we were missing a Tibia or a Humerus…let alone the obvious Fibula, Radius, Ulna and pelvis omission.

Geesh! Anyway, the boys arranged our little graveyard without my assistance and I think it turned out… halloween grave yard decorations …frightfully morbid? Maybe I should re-think that big, old turtle thing. Next time I think we will step up our game and add these lollipop ghosts. What could make a morbid graveyard more frightening than ghosts?

Source: https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/3693/easy-halloween-grave-yard-decoration/

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