Sep 22, National Vote Registration Day


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Sep 22, 2020

National Vote Registration Day

Parents and children suffer when politicians make bad choices. What can we do about it? Vote!

Today is National Vote Registration Day in the United States. For help getting registered, visit:

And don't delay! In some states, the registration deadline is coming up fast.

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Sep 18, 2020

Stereotype threat: How exposure to stereotypes can hinder performance

Yes, children notice stereotypes about race, gender, wealth. And the effects aren't good. Read about stereotype threat, and how we can help kids overcome it.

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Sep 08, 2020

Improving spatial skills in children and teens: 12 evidence-based tips

Spatial skills are crucial for success in STEM and the visual arts. Try these evidence-based activities to boost your child's spatial reasoning abilities.

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Aug 31, 2020

Not actually angry: Black children and boys more frequently misjudged

Unconscious biases can make us perceive anger where none exists. How many children's "behavior problems" are caused by adults getting it wrong?

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Aug 22, 2020

Teaching empathy: Evidence-based tips

Can we nurture empathy in children? Yes. Evidence-based tips for teaching empathy, based on the latest discoveries in psychology and neuroscience.

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Aug 14, 2020

Music and intelligence: Do music lessions improve cognitive skills?

Music training can help kids process speech, and it can boost other cognitive skills too. But the effects depend on the duration and content of training.

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Aug 08, 2020

Working memory tips: How to help kids focus and stick to a plan

Boosting working memory performance helps kids succeed. How can we improve a child's ability to focus, concentrate, and follow instructions?

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Jul 31, 2020

Bedtime problems in children: Solutions for the science-minded parent

Bedtime problems are common in young children, but they aren't inevitable. Why won't kids fall asleep at bedtime, and what we can do to turn things around?

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Jul 24, 2020

Bedtime fading: An evidence-based, step-by-step guide (with examples)

Got a child who won't fall asleep at bedtime? Bedtime fading is a technique for re-aligning your child's internal clock with the bedtime you desire.

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Jul 17, 2020

Baby sleep deprivation: How to tell if your baby isn't sleeping enough

Is there such a thing as baby sleep deprivation? How do we know if a baby is getting enough sleep? Here are the signs -- and the reasons we should care.

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Jul 09, 2020

How to connect with nature: Tips for tuning into the natural world

People who connect with nature are happier. Kids are better-behaved. So how can we help our families feel a greater sense of connectedness? Evidence-based tips.

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Jul 01, 2020

Kids who feel connected with nature are happier -- and better-behaved

How does nature benefit children? Studies suggest that kids have fewer emotional problems - and behave more prosocially - when they feel connected with nature.

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Jun 15, 2020

How to reset your child's internal clock for an earlier bedtime

To adapt kids to an earlier schedule, we need to expose them to the right environmental cues…and more. A comprehensive guide to resetting your child's internal clock.

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Jun 05, 2020

6 mistakes that white parents make about race - and how to remedy them

White parents need to talk with their kids about race, but mistaken beliefs often get in the way. Here's what parents need to know to become better agents of change.

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May 28, 2020

Toilet training techniques: The fast track

Toilet training in less than a day? Fast-track toilet training techniques can be effective, but they aren't for everyone. Here's what parents need to know.

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May 22, 2020

Babies expect fairness, and prefer people who behave with fairness

Babies expect us to share resources equally. They prefer people who behave with fairness. But they are also learning about favoritism. Can we nurture fairness?

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May 18, 2020

The Covid nineTEEN Project offers free, online tutoring during the stay-at-home crisis

Do you know a teenager who is interested in volunteer work? Or an elementary school student who could use some online mentorship and tutoring?

The Covid Nineteen project brings together high school student volunteers and elementary school kids who are stuck at home.

Using Zoom, teens provide free, online activities and one-on-one academic tutoring to kids in grades 1 through 5.

The project is based in California, so schedules are geared to Pacific Standard Time. But organizers say they welcome participants from outside the state. Learn more about it at

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May 08, 2020

Raising helpful kids: Tips for teaching generosity and kindness

How do you teach kids to be helpful? Studies suggest we should avoid heavy-handed tactics and bribes. We need to nurture our children's natural inclinations to do good.

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May 01, 2020

Bullying in children: The road to psychopathology?

Children who bully are more likely to develop symptoms of "antisocial personality disorder" -- a condition colloquially known as "sociopathy" or "psychopathy."

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Apr 23, 2020

Parenting stress: What causes it, and how does it change us?

Parenting stress damages our well-being, and it may alter the course of a child's development. What causes it? How does it change us? What can we do to cope?

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Apr 15, 2020

Tangrams for kids: Educational tips and a printable template

Tangram puzzles may boost spatial skills, enhance math performance, and stimulate math skills. How to start? See evidence-based tips about tangrams for kids.

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Apr 06, 2020

Suddenly homeschooling? Need a curriculum? Here's how to get started.

Making the transition to homeschooling? Here's how to start homeschooling right away -- even if you haven't yet worked out your ultimate plan.

Continue reading "Suddenly homeschooling? Need a curriculum? Here's how to get started."

Apr 02, 2020

Help kids learn math and science: Ask them to explain and teach!

Research suggests we can help kids learn math and science by asking them to explain and teach. But there are pitfalls. Here's how to strike the right balance.

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Mar 27, 2020

U.S. Coronavirus Relief Plan: What American parents need to know

The first bill is helpful, but it doesn't go far enough to protect families, small businesses, and our children's economic future. We must push for more.

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Mar 24, 2020

Parenting in a pandemic: Don't feel overwhelmed. Do this instead.

There's a lot we can do to make the best of this crisis. But the first step is to stop pressuring ourselves with unrealistic expectations.

Continue reading "Parenting in a pandemic: Don't feel overwhelmed. Do this instead."

Mar 18, 2020

Coronavirus study: Children get sick too -- sometimes seriously so

Research from China: Most kids who tested positive for the new coronavirus experienced symptoms, ranging from mild, cold-like symptoms to pneumonia - or worse.

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Mar 16, 2020

Coping with the coronavirus

COVID-19 has upended our daily routines, and parents are feeling the stress. What should we do? Let's begin with these crucial facts.

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Mar 06, 2020

Infant crying, fussing, and colic: A thinking parent's guide

Can you prevent infant crying by changing your approach to baby care? Parenting matters, but so, too, does your baby's temperament and physiology.

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Feb 28, 2020

Student-teacher relationships: Why emotional support matters

Supportive student-teacher relationships improve motivation, inspire achievement, and protect children from toxic stress. But many kids don't get the chance to form such bonds. Teacher burnout, counter-productive disciplinary practices, and racial biases get in the way.

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Feb 21, 2020

Disruptive behavior problems: 12 evidence-based tips

They're a common part of childhood -- acts of aggression, defiance, and acting out. How should we handle these behavior problems? Research points the way.

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Feb 12, 2020

Stress in babies: How to keep babies calm, happy, and healthy

What causes stress in babies? How can we protect babies from toxic stress? Here are evidence-based tips to avoid meltdowns, and foster healthy development.

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Feb 03, 2020

Taming aggression in children: 5 strategies for effective parenting

Good news from researchers who study aggression in children: By changing our mental habits, we can stop aggression before it erupts.

Continue reading "Taming aggression in children: 5 strategies for effective parenting"

Jan 24, 2020

Newborn cognitive development: What are babies thinking and learning?

The newborn brain is busy processing information, searching for patterns, and learning. Here's a fascinating look at newborn cognitive development.

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Dec 27, 2019

Oxytocin affects social bonds - can we influence oxytocin in children?

Oxytocin affects social bonds and our responses to toxic stress. Can we influence oxytocin in children? New research suggests that we can.

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Dec 18, 2019

Help researchers understand how bullying affects kids with and without autism spectrum disorder

Researchers at the University of Binghamton (SUNY) are looking for parents of children, aged 6-17, to take an online survey. Would you like to help? Learn more.

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Dec 13, 2019

The effects of praise: 7 evidence-based tips for using praise wisely

The effects of praise aren't always good. What can we do to make sure praise helps, and doesn't hurt?

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Dec 06, 2019

Working memory in children: What parents and teachers need to know

Working memory (WM) is like computer RAM. The more you have, the faster you can process data. How does working memory affect kids, and what can we do to help?

Continue reading "Working memory in children: What parents and teachers need to know"

Nov 29, 2019

STEM books for kids (and other resources)

Looking for STEM books for kids? Math and science games? Resources to get kids thinking, coding, building? Here are some recommendations from Parenting Science.

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Nov 22, 2019

Night wakings: A guide for the science-minded parent

Night wakings are a normal, healthy part of sleep. But if awakenings are causing problems, there are things you can do. Here’s an evidence-based guide.

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Nov 01, 2019

Homework for young children: Is it justified?

Some schools assign homework to children as young as 5 or 6. But there isn't any compelling research that homework for young children is helpful.

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By: Mary Malcolm It is so adorable how toddlers can’t seem to make up a lie, simply because they are not even familiar with the concept!...