Thrifting Is the Latest Teen-Trend and We Moms Love It

By: Katie BinghamSmith

I took my daughter shopping a few weeks ago thinking I would be doing her a huge service and she’d love every second of it. As we were walking around the stores and she was acting like she hated her life even more than normal, she dropped a bomb on me: She no longer liked American Eagle. Or any other chain store for that reason.

I mean, American Eagle has been her place. The store of all stores. The building where I go to shell out more money for a pair of jeans than it costs to heat my home for the winter (slight exaggeration, I know).

My daughter says that thrift shopping is “in”

I had no idea what was happening, but she was very clear as she told me that shopping at department stores was out, thrifting was in and she hated all the places she once called upon to make her feel like the queen that she is.

Supposedly she isn’t the only one. I spoke with my sister about this and she told me that her daughter was on the thrifting train too and had no interest in any of the places she used to frequent and where she used to beg for everything.

This isn’t a family affair either.

Thanks to social media channels I learned that thrifting is just straight fire. Everyone is doing it.

According to WSL, Generation-Zers (those born between 1996 and 2011) spend roughly 40% more time in consignment shops than other generations. The amazing thing about this is our teenagers are more than okay with finding their individual style. And it’s so much better for the planet to buy second hand.

My daughter and her friends love to find great deals and wear them as-is or turn it into their own creation.

Grown and Flown found some thrifters who need to be highlighted.

Moms describe why their teens love going to thrift stores

Laurie D said her kids love shopping at secondhand stores so they can turn their items into a treasure, “It’s great for ‘painting art’ clothes too…a good is not as painful if you thrifted it,” she says.

Tabitha M. says it’s an activity in her house,”My daughter and friends just returned from the thrift shop with four bags of stuff. They’re now heading outside with a bucket, gum bands and bleach. It’s a regular thing in my house!”

Jo P’s daughter found some amazing dresses.

Jessica S. said her daughter finds plain things and paints them with fabric paint which is a great idea. Look at these sneakers.

Wow-these sneakers (via Jessica S)

Sharon L’s daughter found this entire outfit thrifting which included her daughter’s first adult purse which was $25.

Cute outfit (via Sharon Lampe)

Jennifer M said her sons are catching the thrifting bug, too.

My 2 sons went with my 2 nieces yesterday. The girls introduced thrifting to the boys. They had fun, scored a few brand name items and then intentionally visited a small business Mexican restaurant to get lunch. It was a great opportunity for them. They used their own money and valued it more. When I suggested going to a popular teen shop, my son explained his money would go further thrifting.

Jennifer M

Catherine A. said her kids are making a game out of it,”My daughter alluded today to some thrift dates she’s been on. You set a limit for each person then go to the thrift store and dress the other person. I thought it was a clever and inexpensive idea.”

Dawn M’s daughter scored a beautiful prom dress thrifting, which fits her perfectly.

And it’s a great job for teenagers, too. Leslie S. says her daughter is “working her first paying job this summer at her favorite thrift/resale store in Houston. She found these pants there with the original Nordstrom $300 price tag still attached and she only paid $13. She loves her job and the thrill of thrifting!”

The thrill of the find. ( via Leslie S)

And my own daughter, who has trouble finding things she likes, found her new favorite shirt the other day at her favorite thrift shop. It makes me so happy to see her love the way she looks.

Favorite shirt found (via Katie Bingham Smith)

Kristin N’s daughter found an amazing set she cut to fit her own style.

Find your own style. (via Kristin Neiswender)

I know our local thrift store posts online and offers contact free pickup. I’ve heard since the pandemic more places are offering this service.

I mean, we could go on and on and show you all the amazing things these teens are finding and creating by visiting thirst stores but maybe it would be better for you to find out for yourself. So get going and see what’s out there.

You never know, thrifting might just be one of the new things you and your teen can enjoy together.

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The content is owned by Katie BinghamSmith. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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