Seven Things I Wish I Had Known Before Freshman Year of College

By: Megan Handley

Going away to college is one of the biggest transitions I’d ever had to make. I sat in my dorm room that first day with a huge smile, but inside, I was a mixture of petrifying fear and excitement. You’re thrown advice in graduation cards left and right…

“Study hard!”

“Go to sleep!”

“These friends will last a lifetime!”

But none of those quick sentences prepare you for what it’s going to really be like. 

Here are 7 things I wish I had known before freshman year

1. Set realistic goals – college isn’t perfect immediately!

I went into college with my wildest dreams spilling out of every pore. My mom told me she felt like I was going to “set the world on fire,” and that was the only thing I would expect from myself. Especially with tuition in mind, I wanted to do it all – make great friends, have good relationships with professors, get good grades, join all the clubs, etc. I walked into college sporting the deepest shade of rose colored glasses.

Girls sitting on bed in dorm room.

Make your dorm room homey.

I got pneumonia my second week of classes; one of my professors nearly flat out refused to help me catch up until I went to his assistant. I didn’t figure out how to perfectly use our online system for homework until somewhere around week three. I got my first low grade on a paper I had worked super hard on (not bad, but not meeting my straight A standards from high school).

This isn’t to say it was all bad. I did well in the class I thought I’d have to drop. I got an A- in the class where I did iffy on the midterm paper. I did eventually make some great friends, but it wasn’t the instant best friend connection. We built upon our connection and made a strong one by the end of my first year – the first night of college I cried from homesickness, the last before summer I cried from not wanting to leave my roommate.

My second semester, I understood more of what to do. I set smaller goals, like getting better positions on my TV shows and working really hard in one of my major classes. Once you set a few pinpoints to work on, it gets easier to make strides toward the big picture.

That college experience will happen for you, but it might not be this instant perfect fit. It’s an adjustment, a big transition toward independence. Take it one day at a time, and sooner or later you’ll be able to set the biggest goals – one you couldn’t have even thought possible on your first day of class.

2. Make your dorm feel like a home.

A lot of freshman overpack for college, but then end up realizing what they left behind is actually what they wanted. Having a dorm room that felt like a miniature safe haven has been so important to my college experience.

A good mattress topper can make your bed feel better than the one at home. Tons of pictures, lights, and fluffy pillows can make the space feel less like a closet and more like somewhere you’re excited to cuddle up at the end of the day.

My friends all made fun of me for taking so much to school. I had tons of prints, fairy lights, rugs, etc. I even bought those scented pine cones to put in the window to eliminate the dreaded dorm smell. They laughed when I moved in, but then they were in my room every night.

Basically, make your room somewhere you’re excited to come to at the end of the day – not just a temporary space.

3. Professors aren’t scary, they’ll talk to you (they want to).

I was terrified my first day of classes, and I had been to community college classes my senior year of high school. This was different. I had my first class in my major bright and early at 8 and I was determined to impress. Inwardly, though, I was shaking in my boots.

My first time walking to office hours, I blasted one of my favorite songs on high to give myself the confidence to have a good conversation with my professor. I thought he’d see me as immature, look right through me and see the girl who clearly didn’t know what she was doing. 

It wasn’t like that at all.

He respected me. I sat down to ask about the exam and make up a quiz (from that formerly mentioned week of pneumonia), and he offered me a mint and a drink. We had a conversation about our favorite shows. He asked me some basic questions, and I could see he truly cared about me and my college path. He didn’t look down upon me for being a nervous freshman, he treated me like an adult – a feeling I never had in high school. We have a connection to this day, and I try to take any class he offers.

That being said – make connections with your professors, and do it early. Most don’t want you to be crying the night before their exam. If you’re struggling, tell them, and ask for help! They won’t hand it to you like high school may have, but they’ll give you the guidance you need to succeed, and probably the motivation to do it, too. If you’re lucky, you’ll make a long standing relationship, and maybe even feel like you have a friend along the way.

4. Don’t be afraid if you have no idea what you’re doing, and definitely ask for help.

While you may feel in love with your major, a lot of incoming first years aren’t. In the 2014 – 2015 year, the U.S. Department of Education reported that around 30% of college students in the country changed their major at least once (and many more than that). Beyond that, other sources think the number is more likely to be more than half. That being said, confusion is normal. College is all about exploration. Take some different classes, take a breath, and see what sticks with you.

I was unsure of my major, but the second I sat in the control room with an encouraging professor, I was in love. When you find what’s right, you’ll know!

The confusion comes in different forms, too, beyond picking a major. Every student has had that one class – the class that makes you doubt everything. Even one bad exam, one bad paper, one bad day – it can all convince you you’re failing your college life.

The Hollywood expectations of going to a university doesn’t prepare you for having a bad day, but take it in stride. Everyone has a rough point, and usually a few times a semester. Not every day is the beautiful experience where you’re doing what you love – some days may even test if you love it anymore.

All of that aside, it gets better. As a high schooler, you were probably told this before, but it’s true. Take the bad days as a time to think about what went wrong, what you can take from the failure and turn into something better. Even the people who you think are perfect probably don’t know what they’re doing either.

If one of those bad days is just too bad, ask for help! I’ve had so many moments where I’ve hidden myself away and been upset or stressed beyond belief when the situation was easily resolvable. Talk it out with a roommate. Talk to your RA. Go to an advisor. Take a break. Call your parents, or your best friend. Someone will have gone through what you have, or something similar, and they’ll be more than happy to help you.

And if all that fails…fake it ‘till you make it.

5. Take care of yourself, even more than you do others.

This one might make me sound like a jerk at first glance, or maybe a raging narcissist. But I promise you – it’s true. 

College is tiring. Sure, you’re not in class all day like in high school, but the classes you go to require dedicated hours of outside work to do well. No one is holding your hand. It’s easy to drown and not sure where to turn. I’ve seen it, and been through it, too many times; giving 150% to everything and everyone, leaving no time to even have a meal some days.

If you’ve ever heard of spoon theory, it’s truly one to live by in college. While the theory originated for those with chronic illness, it’s an easy way to weigh if you’re spreading yourself too thin. Spoon theory states that you start the day with a certain amount of spoons (which can vary based on mood, physical illness, fatigue, stress, etc.), and then must decide where to divvy them up from there.

In college, it’s so important to make sure you divide up your time in a way that consciously remembers your own care. It sounds silly, but everyone wants your time in school, and sometimes it’s hard to remember just to take a break to eat, to breathe. Each club, class, or job will want your full attention – but that’s simply irrational. 

Remember to prioritize. If your friend is having a hard day, help them of course, but if it’s starting to drain you, it’s important you’re honest and seek extra help or step back. If you’re feeling completely worn out from a class, put some more spoons toward it that day.

In short, remember to help yourself. Take breaks. Sleep. Drink a lot of water (like, more than you’re thinking right now). Make sure you eat regular meals. Leave time for a dance session or a movie night. Do whatever you have to avoid the dreaded college burnout.

6. Take that unique class! Try that thing! Don’t spend all your time cramming.

It was drilled into my brain before I left that I’d have to spend all my time in school with my nose in a $300 textbook (don’t get me started on the price of books). What I didn’t realize is how many other experiences there were that may even teach you more than any overpriced book will.

Colleges offer a bunch of unique classes, and most have a myriad of clubs to choose from. Some of the classes might be something you’d never even heard of Put yourself out there. Try something new!

One day, one of my best friends and I were crying over registration. We decided to sign up for a 1 credit class called Thai Chi. We laughed through tears, but then ended up having a pretty good time whipping the sticks around and hitting each other (we weren’t very good). Sometimes, I even found myself calmer at the end. It was a cool introduction to something we hadn’t otherwise heard of.

Try that class that interests you, even if it isn’t for your major. College is what you make of it. The more diverse of a skillset you get, the better.

On top of that, don’t spend all your time studying. This ties in to the taking time for yourself. It turns out, a Stanford study showed that the stress of cramming actually makes the studying ineffective. Pace yourself. Take breaks to have a drink, even to walk around the library. Find out what kind of environment works for you, and stick to it! Try study groups, tutors, teaching it to a friend, etc. 

Through all of that, though, remember that sleeping the night before a test and varying how you study can be far more helpful than staying up until four in the textbook.

7. Friend groups will evolve. People will come and go. It’s all natural.

One of the things I was told for years before college was that I would make the best friends I’d ever had. I was suspicious, especially since I was in a tight knit friend group in high school. That being said, I held my expectations high.

Never do that.

I pressured myself. I thought every person I met on campus could be my next best friend. I cried when I thought they couldn’t compare to my friends at home, that they didn’t like me, that no one would stick around.  I cried thinking I wasn’t good enough for them, and that I would never find those friends.

Needless to say, the second you force a relationship, it’s almost always the wrong one. These things will come, but they’ll come on their own terms. They’ll come on the roommate who drops her socks in the toilet.

They’ll come through ordering food at weird hours. They’ll come from fitting your entire body into the dryer. 

They might not all stick around, either. You never truly know who your people are going to be until you get that feeling – that little ping of home that makes you want to never leave. 

You’ll get homesick, sure. At weird times, too. You’ll miss what you used to have, the old friends who are now scattered. But eventually, you’ll find yourself missing college too, and missing all those friends who you cried laughing with at 2 in the morning.

These are just a few things I wish I knew as a freshman at Ithaca College, and my experiences won’t be cookie cutter to yours. Everyone’s college life is different, and don’t pressure yourself for it to be perfect immediately.

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The content is owned by Megan Handley. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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