3 Healthy Ways to Challenge Your Kids This Summer

By: surya vamsi

As a parent, you want only the best for your child. However, you may sometimes forget that challenging your child to pursue new hobbies is one of the best ways to help them grow.

It’s okay to let them have plenty of downtime in the summer – they deserve it after a long school year. But they will only benefit from taking up new skills and overcoming new obstacles. This is how they develop strength and become the best versions of themselves.

You know your little one best, and it is important that you don’t push them too hard. But, encouraging them to try new things and face new challenges is one of the best gifts you can give to them.

Here are three suggestions to challenge your kids this summer.

Piano, Music, Girl, Young, Musical

1) Learn to Play an Instrument

As a parent, allowing your child to try something new is sometimes scary. It can be difficult to see them struggle or even fail with a new challenge, and you may feel the need to protect them from these failures at all costs.

While it may be hard to watch your child struggle at any point, trying new things is a great way for your child to expand their creativity and knowledge. Learning an instrument, for example, can be a frustrating and tedious process, but is a safe and healthy challenge.

The piano is one of the most difficult instruments to play. But, once learned, the end result is always astounding. Playing an instrument will open so many doors for your child and may even help them to discover a true passion for music.

The best part is: you don’t have to find a local teacher. From piano lessons in Singapore to virtual violin tutors, you can find lessons for any instrument online and in the comfort of your own home.

2) Become Involved with the Community

As a kid, it can be difficult to understand that concept of community. Usually, comfort is defined by members of the family and close acquaintances – not necessarily neighbors or other members in your community.

To help your child grow as a member of society, it is important that you encourage them to get involved and volunteer in your community. Not only is this another healthy way to push your child, but it can also help them to socialize and network while making a difference.

Volunteering is an activity meant for all ages and can be catered to you and your child’s interests. Find something that you are both passionate about and see just how rewarding it can be to push them out of their comfort zone to help others.

3) Support Their Passions

One of the greatest ways to support your child and to help them grow is to support their passions. Regardless of what these interests may be, it is so important that you allow your child the freedom to explore them and encourage them, wholeheartedly.

Additionally, you should help them to find ways to elevate these interests! Joining clubs or finding other children in the area with similar hobbies or passions is a great way to push your child toward bigger things and will help them in their journey to self discovery. This gives them the natural incentive to transform their passions into lifelong skills.


Challenging your child in these ways is not a bad thing, but rather helps them to approach life from a new perspective. Trying new things and branching out to new experiences is the best way that you, as a parent, can help your child to become the best version of themselves. Try one of these tips this summer, and you’ll see a difference in your child come fall!

Source: https://www.beingtheparent.com/3-healthy-ways-to-challenge-your-kids-this-summer/

The content is owned by surya vamsi. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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