Dairy Queen and Fandango Are Teaming Up To Offer Movies As Low As $0.99 For Family Movie Night

By: Shannon Carino

Are you ready for a Family Summer Movie Night?

We definitely are, and we’re looking for something new to watch with our kids. Right now, Dairy Queen and FandangoNOW are partnering up with deals on movies you can buy to host your very own family movie night.

Courtesy of Dairy Queen and FandangoNOW

The Family Movie Night movies are brought to you by the Dairy Queen Summer Blizzard menu, so you might need to stop by Dairy Queen first for one of these tasty treats to enjoy during your movie night.  

I’m thinking Wonder Woman Cookie Collision Blizzards and a Wonder Woman LEGO movie might be my first plan.

Courtesy of Dairy Queen

FandangoNOW has tons of movie choices for your movie night too, beginning as low as 99cents per movie, including:

  • The LEGO Movie, The LEGO Batman movie, and various other LEGO titles
  • The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies
  • Space Jam
  • The Iron Giant
  • Roald Dahl favorites, The Witches, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  • The Goonies
  • The Neverending Story
  • Classic movies including The Wizard of Oz, Singing in the Rain, and more
  • And so many more!
Courtesy of FandangoNOW

After browsing the list, I realized how many of these movies my kids haven’t seen yet, and Family Summer Movie Nights are perfect idea for social distancing summers.

The Dairy Queen/FandangoNOW movie offers are only good through June 5, 2020, so make sure to get the movies you want while you still can!  

Even if you don’t watch them right away, you’ll have them on your account to use for future movie nights too.


Source: https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/141874/dairy-queen-fandango-movies/

The content is owned by Shannon Carino. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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