Nick Sutton, newest music theater sensation, is a16 year-old junior at South Portland high school in Maine. According to his mom, Kristin, he has been doing musical theater since the age of eight and has been in a host of local productions.
Nick and his mom did their first car video last year during a break between shows when Nick was feeling the winter doldrums. This little side project was a pick-me-up for mother and son. It turned out that their little “side project” appealed to a lot of people and they got a lot of local media attention. Nick appeared on a local news station and the local newspaper did a story on the video.
So, Kristin and Nick decided to do another video this year to follow up on the popularity of the previous one. But, as with the rest of the world, life got in the way. A month after they posted the new video, they went into quarantine so they decided to do a Les Miserables song as a one-off.
Three days before their town put a shelter in place order that prohibited people from driving around, Kristen penned the lyrics and the duo went for a ride and recorded the song. And here at Grown and Flown, we are thrilled that mom and Nick were able to squeak this one in under the wire because judging by the views, reactions and shares the video has been a bright spot for many people.
When Nick “grows up” he wants to do music in some fashion. He’s very passionate about musical theater and clearly very talented. Nick’s show tunes video from last year came to the attention of a local mortgage broker who offered him a scholarship to attend a Broadway workshop in New York last summer for one full week. Nick travelled to New York and studied with Broadway performers Mom says they “did a showcase at the end of the week. It was an amazing experience.”
But, let’s not forget that we need to extend a huge hat tip to mom, because she is the most amazing foil. I asked her how she keeps a straight face and she replied,
It is very easy for me to keep a straight face because we have been singing show tunes in the car since he was just a little kid. He plays seven different instruments and is constantly singing around the house so it’s like white noise to me.
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