What This Mom Wishes Her Kids Knew When They Were Tweens and Teens

By: Beth Mund

I wish you knew that in middle school everyone is confused about who they are, and how they are supposed to act.

I wish you knew that life gets better after high school.

I wish you knew that grades are never a measure of happiness or intelligence.

I wish you knew that success is not measured in how many parties you get invited to or how many Instagram followers you have.

I wish you knew that balance is more important than sports, academics,
a social life or extra curricular activities.

I wish my teens had the perspective that I do as their mom. (Twenty20 @Jess.xn)

What I wish my teens knew whey they were younger

I wish you knew that you are supposed to make mistakes.

I wish you knew that the beauty of your soul means more than the color of your eyes, the price tag on your clothes or the numbers on the scale.

I wish you knew that the bully thought less of himself, than he ever did of you.

I wish you knew that it hard to admit we are overwhelmed, and asking for help takes courage.

I wish you knew that this too shall pass. A feeling is just a feeling. A thought is simply a thought.

I wish you knew that sometimes people are not able to love you, and it is never about your worthiness. They just can’t get there.

I wish you knew that someday you would look back on everything you went through and understand it all from a higher perspective.

I wish you knew that bad things don’t really come in threes, nor do they always happen when you are feeling good.

I wish you knew that when you are depressed, you are in the past. When you are anxious you are in the future. And when you are at peace you are in the present. And practicing being in the present takes work, but it can change your perspective and your life.

I wish you knew that finding what you are good at, is more important than fitting in.

I wish you knew that not everybody plays sports. And nobody is happy all the time.

I wish you knew that we all have different ways of learning. And figuring out what works best for you, will be the greatest gift you can give yourself.

I wish you knew that disagreeing with someone does not have to end a friendship, and having respect for an opposing view builds character.

I wish you knew that telling the truth is the greatest gift you can give to yourself.

I wish you knew that your soul is wise, your heart is knowing, and your mind can lead you away from both.

I wish you knew that following your intuition will never steer you wrong.

I wish you knew that our differences do not have to keep us separated from one another. We are all the same beneath our labels.

I wish you knew that there is not a one size fits all when it comes to college. Finding the perfect fit for you, is what matters.

I wish you knew that independence happens in steps, and the adults around you are there to be sure you don’t run up the stairs too quickly, or trip and fall back down, hurting your self.

I wish you knew that worrying will have no impact on anything and most of our troubles never happen.

I wish you knew that when you stop running, fear stops chasing you.

I wish you knew that everyone has gifts, but to unwrap our gifts often takes time and effort.

I wish you knew that failure is always on the path to success.

I wish you knew that nobody really knows what is going on in life. Everyone is just faking it the best they can. And when we admit to how much we don’t know, we experience life in a whole new way.

I wish you knew that it is better to be happy, than to be right. And people are not black and white. It is the gray area where we are meant to meet each other with compassion.

I wish you knew that even when the world seems chaotic, hang on. Life always gets a little worse before it gets better.

I wish you knew that life will take you where you need to go, if you follow your heart. The path you are meant to travel will open up, sometimes in the most surprising ways. So, expect the unexpected.

I wish you knew that you are loved no matter what.

I wish you knew that you will never miss anything. It is always the perfect time to wake up, open our eyes to the truth of who we are, and allow the rest of our life to unfold with beauty, grace and wonder.

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Beth Mund is an author, intuitive healer and empath. I have been channeling words, and ideas, transmitted through writing since the age of 9. This gift to connect beyond myself led me to the study of psychology, spirituality, intuitive healing and the mind/body health for the past fifteen years. My published book, Living Beyond Fear: Sacred Letters From the Afterlife, entails incredible inspirational messages.helping unravel layers of self-doubt and fear that have limited us from knowing the truth about our selves and our world. My writing has also been featured in Elephant Journal, A Room of Her Own, Living the Second Act, and Blunt Moms.

Source: https://grownandflown.com/mom-wishes-her-kids-knew/

The content is owned by Beth Mund. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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