What Are You Doing to Get Through These Days? 14 Things that Help

By: Helene Wingens

You are losing your mind. Join the club-me too. This is an overwhelming time but there are ways to preserve your sanity through the madness. 

We asked our readers what they are doing to get through the day

Exercise. We are walking, running, doing yoga, meditating or other exercises alone or with a partner or class via FaceTime or Zoom.

Get online. We are Skyping, chatting, texting, calling, using FaceTime, Zooming. However we do it we are finding ways to keep in touch with family and friends. We are participating in online book groups, cocktail parties, webinars and just one-on-one get togethers. Some are taking online classes or participating online with their communities of faith. Not to mention, all of us who are working online. 

Maintain a schedule. Many of you mentioned that sticking to a schedule especially during the week, has been helping you get through these days. Feeling purposeful and productive is important to most of us. A number of people mentioned that they make sure to make their bed every morning and follow a routine similar to the one they had previously. 

Clean. We are not only cleaning our houses, we are going through those long ignored junk drawers and closets. One member told us that she has gotten a jump on spring cleaning and is cleaning one room a day. 

Cook/Bake. Many of us are discovering new culinary skills or rediscovering old culinary skills. We’ve decided to spend the time making delicious meals. 

Time with family. If we are lucky enough to be quarantined with family, we are having family dinners, something we may not have done in years. A lot of you said that you are trying to do fun things with the family like making TikTok videos. We are playing board games. Many people reported that they are having nightly family meetings to discuss everything and go over any fears and just get it out.  One mom told us her family “We are having spirit days as a family and taking pictures each night.”

Netflix/AppleTV. We are binge watching things we’ve had on our “must watch” list for years or finishing that one series we left in the 4th episode because we just couldn’t find the time to watch it. 

Read. That pile of books that’s been collecting dust on the night table, we are reading those, finally. And, we are listening to books on audible and to podcasts that we’ve been meaning to listen to for years. 

Writing. Many people said that they are keeping a daily journal because one day they will want to read about these times. 

Social distancing. We are having conversations with people through open windows or standing 6 feet apart in our driveways. One member told us she is having a dance party every day on her patio. She plays music loud enough for neighbors to hear and everyone comes out and hangs on their patios. 

Learning. Some of you mentioned that you are learning some new skills like making face masks for healthcare workers and we applaud that effort. Others mentioned that they are learning to crochet or knit on YouTube or to do other things they’ve never known how to do. 

Hobbies. We are gardening, painting, playing the instrument of our choice. If you play card or tile games such as canasta or poker and can’t get a game together, there are great online alternatives.  

Pets. Many of you mentioned that you chose this time to get a puppy because well-there’s plenty of time to train a puppy right now. And, of course, we are walking and loving on the pets we already have. 

Attitude of gratitude. It’s easy to get completely nutty and worry worry worry but many of you noted that you are counting your blessings. And that you are thinking of and wishing the best for all essential personnel who keep things running for the rest of us. 

Hang in there, everyone.

More to Read:

Mom in Italy Shares Her Secret for Living Life and Taking Care of Her Son

During the Covid-19 Pandemic the Sandwich Generation Gets Stretched Thin

Source: https://grownandflown.com/ways-to-cope-home/

The content is owned by Helene Wingens. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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