Star Wars Crafts: Toilet Roll Movie Characters To Inspire Creative Play

By: Michelle McInerney | MollyMoo

My daughter and her friends are ALL about Star Wars at the moment, Princess Leia this,  Padmé Amidala that! So as most of my crafting inspiration comes from the littles I started tinkering with a few toilet rolls to see what Star Wars Crafts would emerge. Making R2-D2 from toilet roll was an obvious one so I decided to craft on and make Princess Leia and everyone’s favoutite Chewbacca too.

The Star Wars characters are SO easy to make, just glue and paint really, keep reading to see how.

Star Wars Craft

Star Wars Craft

All you need to make your set of Star Wars movie characters are
– Toilet roll cores/ paper tubes
– Glue gun
– Pencil
– Acrylic paints and brushes
– Two beads

First slit the tops of the toilet rolls as shown

toilet roll crafts for kids, toilet roll octopus by Michelle McInerney of MollyMooCrafts for KidsActivitiesBlog

toilet roll crafts for kids, toilet roll octopus by Michelle McInerney of MollyMooCrafts for KidsActivitiesBlog

Fold over and glue into position. I use a glue gun for *instant* hold results.

toilet roll crafts for kids, toilet roll octopus by Michelle McInerney of MollyMooCrafts for KidsActivitiesBlog

toilet roll crafts for kids, toilet roll octopus by Michelle McInerney of MollyMooCrafts for KidsActivitiesBlog

Paint the toilet roll cores with a coat of white paint and when dry lightly sketch on the features of your movie characters.

Star Wars Craft

Star Wars Craft

Then just start painting

Star Wars Craft

Star Wars Craft

For Princess Leia’s hair buns I simply glued beads onto each side of her head and painted them the same brown color as I had mixed up for her hair (my least favorite thing in the world is mixing up brown paint!!!!)

Star Wars Craft

Star Wars Craft

Keep painting around the pencil guidelines on each roll and very quickly the kids will end up with a full set of fun characters to act out any wild and wonderful Star Wars scenes across your living room floor!! enjoy

Star Wars Craft

Star Wars Craft

Keep going to include C-3PO, Jedi masters and even the ugly Jabba The Hutt!

Time to get your crafty pants on


The content is owned by Michelle McInerney | MollyMoo. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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