Peanut Butter Play Dough. Edible. Tastes like Candy!

By: Rachel

We have triplets, sorta. We are an adoptive family, and have three kids that are within a year. I call them my triplets.

And they LOVE homemade  play dough. I do not have enough eyes or hands to stop them from “tasting” the dough. It’s time for a truly edible play dough!

This play dough is super easy to make, it is pliable and once it is made is low-mess (i.e. it doesn’t crumble like our allergy-friendly play dough recipe) – AND it is tasty. 

play dough made from peanut butter and marshmallows

Your kids are going to love this playdough. It tastes like candy!

After your kids create their sculptures and masterpieces, they can let them air dry for an hour or two (so the items get a “crust”), then stick them in a Ziploc. Your kids can snack on their art at a later time.

Peanut Butter Play Dough Recipe

Ingredients for Peanut Butter Play Dough:


Put the marshmallows and peanut butter into a small dish and microwave for ten seconds. This should lightly soften your marshmallows making them easier to mix.

Stir the peanut butter and marshmallow together until it is smooth. Sprinkle powdered sugar onto the dough until it is no longer sticky. I am guesstimating the amount of the powdered sugar.

If your dough is still sticky, you will want to sprinkle more on.

play dough made from peanut butter and marshmallows

So yummy!! And a great protein snack for kids (well, minus the sugar). I am going to try a version later that uses almond flour instead of the powdered sugar. I’ll let you know if it works out.

For other Play Dough Activities

Check out:

recipes for play

recipes for play


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