Nurses All Over Are Asking People to Sew Masks. Here’s How You Can Help.

By: Tara Guzman

While finding food and supplies at the grocery store has gotten a little better as this week goes on, there are some very important items that are still hard to come by. Because of this, nurses from all over are asking people to sew them masks because their supply is so low!

Nurses All Over Are Asking People to Sew Masks. Here's How You Can Help

On Facebook, nurse Kristen Thompson wrote,

“I’m a nurse at a local hospital. We are CRITICALLY low on masks! According to the CDC, fabric masks are a crisis response option when all of our supplies have been exhausted.”

Kristen goes on to ask people that can sew if they can make 100% cotton, double layer, reusable/washable masks and send them to nurses. She says that anyone that wants to help make the masks can comment on her Facebook status and she will get them more information. The masks don’t have to be perfect so that’s great for people like me that have limited sewing capabilities!

Nurses All Over Are Asking People to Sew Masks. Here's How You Can Help

Photo credit: Kristen Thompson

In another post on Facebook, Lesley Lastufka Davison asked people to do the same for nurses at a local hospital in Galveston, TX. She is a nurse also and is asking people to sew masks for nurses and for visitors since these masks can be washed and reused. Lesley has put together a Google Doc with more information, such as where the masks are going to go, patterns for how to make the masks and some FAQs about the masks themselves.

If you have the ability to sew and would like to make some of these masks for the nurses, here are some patterns that they have shared below:

Adult Reusable Medical Face Mask

A.B. Mask – for a Nurse by a Nurse

5 Free DIY Face Mask Tutorials Using Fabric

How to Sew a Face Mask

Now is a great time to give back to those in healthcare that are working tirelessly and risking their lives every day for us!

Nurses All Over Are Asking People to Sew Masks. Here's How You Can Help

Photo Credit Lesley Lastufka Davison


The content is owned by Tara Guzman. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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