How to Host A ‘Chalk Your Walk’ Event In Your Neighborhood

By: Shannon Carino

For more fun ideas while you’re social distancing, why not create a chalk walk?

This idea is gaining popularity and even cities and counties are getting into the idea!  Our local county here in Colorado made this a “Chalk Your Walk” weekend.

The idea behind it is to decorate your front walks with sidewalk chalk with cartoons, positive messages, and more.  Then gather your family and take a walk throughout your neighborhood to admire your neighbors creations too.

Besides just drawings, why not create a sensory play walk on your front walk?  Our reader Lori’s teen daughters, Em and Lizzy, created an awesome chalk obstacle course for their young and young-at-heart neighbors walking by.

Thanks to Em and Lizzy, and their mom Lori, for sharing their chalk walk obstacle course!

Hop! Spin! Jump! Touch your toes! Roar and stomp!  These ideas are perfect for a chalk walk, especially when little ones are cooped up in the house all day.  Wouldn’t it be great to take a walk and find these kind of chalk obstacle courses to break up the monotony of staying inside?  I think we’re going to create one too.

Stacy Amondola

If you’re social distancing and needing chalk, try these 13 recipes to make DIY chalk or this fizzing sidewalk paint instead of heading to the store. You can also order sidewalk chalk on Amazon and keep decorating all week long.

Thanks to Em and Lizzy, and their mom Lori, for sharing their chalk walk obstacle course!


The content is owned by Shannon Carino. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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