Winter Preschool Art

By: Arena


Art projects — like this Winter Forest Preschool Art — are a great way to pass the time stuck inside on cold days.

Winter Forest Preschool Art

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Winter Forest Preschool Art

Sometimes, the prep for art projects is enough to banish all thoughts of stir crazy.

Grab the paint.

And the brushes.

Got a cup of water?

Don’t forget paper towels.

It’s gonna be a mess.

There’s got to be a better way.

When we were introduced to Kwik Stix, I knew I’d found the solution.

Winter Preschool Art

These solid tempera paint sticks dry within 90 seconds. Throw out the paint brushes. You can paint straight on the page! No need for cups of water. The paint goes on smoothly. Don’t worry about smocks. This is the cleanest way to paint I’ve ever tried!

Kwik Stix are non-toxic and safe for young children. They work on paper, wood, canvas, cardboard — your imagination is the limit!

Plus, how cool are these colors?!

Winter Forest Preschool Art

Kwik Stix challenged us to get creative with their product, and I knew this project, inspired by Wee Folk Art, would be perfect!

Winter Forest Preschool Art

Winter Forest Preschool Art

Here’s what you need for this winter forest preschool art:

Winter Forest Preschool Art

Use the painter’s tape to fix a sheet of watercolor paper to the table. Outline the edges of the paper in tape to create a frame.

Winter Forest Preschool Art

Tear strips of the paper in half, making them long and skinny. Place these on the paper, starting from the bottom — these will be your trees.

Cut some of the tape into a circle for a moon.

Winter Forest Preschool Art

Paint over the paper using Kwik Stix. We used different shades of blue and blended them together.

Winter Forest Preschool Art

Sprinkle kosher salt over the wet paint for a snow effect.

Winter Forest Preschool Art

Because the paint dries super fast, you’ll be able to do the next step fairly quickly! Remove the painter’s tape, draw a few lines on the trees, and you’ve got a gorgeous piece of art.

Winter Forest Preschool Art

Winter Forest Preschool Art

Kwik Stix are easy to order right here, right now! 

More Fun Art Projects!

Rainbow Sponge Painting

Did your kids enjoy this activity? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to join our Facebook page!



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