This Mom Built Her Daughter A Target and Starbucks Playroom and Now I Want One Too

By: Shannon Carino

What would the playroom of your child’s dreams look like?  We’ve seen plenty of cute ideas, but this Target and Starbucks playroom makeover might be the best toy epicycle we have ever seen!

playroom that is created with a Target and Starbucks theme

Courtesy of Renee Doby-Becht on Facebook

Milwaukee mom, Renèe Leann, knew how much her daughter loved shopping at Target and decided to use that as her theme for Ariah’s playroom.  And what does most every Target store have inside?  A Starbucks, of course!

For the Target store, Renèe began by repurposing a Melissa and Doug shopping center in order to make the main counter.  Plastic shelving helps hold stock the store, along with Target themed signage and a matching shopping cart, even a bag for shopping needs and a name tag for Ariah, who is also employee of the month.

Courtesy of Renee Doby-Becht on Facebook

The Starbucks counter is made from a cube storage unit, with inexpensive wood and flooring added to it.  Renèe painted the rest to match typical Starbucks coloring and logos.  There’s even Starbucks’ drinks which she made with plastic cups, paint, caulk, and puffy paint!

Courtesy of Renee Doby-Becht on Facebook

All the details are there, thanks to Renèe’s graphic designer sister.  She created the logos, price tags, menus, sale signs, and wall decor to make the store theme complete.  A friend even made little Ariah a Starbucks’ apron for dress-up.

Courtesy of Renee Doby-Becht on Facebook

This has to be one of the coolest playroom makeovers ever, as is evidenced by the nearly 10,000 Facebook shares of Renèe’s original Facebook post.  We’d definitely like to go have Starbucks at Ariah’s Target shop too.

Courtesy of Renee Doby-Becht on Facebook


The content is owned by Shannon Carino. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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