How To Protect Your Baby From Poisonous Plants

By: Ambili S Kartha

The birth of the baby is a miracle for the life of the parents. As the baby grows, many things must be taken care of, especially after the onset of the fifth or sixth month when the baby starts crawling and reaching out to things. The babies tend to put whatever they get in their mouth, which could be harmful to their health. Once the baby starts moving, they become fond of exploring things in and around them, the most fascinating place of them happens to be gardens, plants. Many people love keeping plants indoors, as well. But one needs to be conscious when babies are all around these places as there are many small particles which, if ingested, could be dangerous for the baby. These plants might be used for medicinal uses and even for beautifying the surroundings, but a word of caution is a must, especially when babies and kids are around.

Do you know plants are the second largest cause (the first being the medicines) for serious poisoning in children under age five? Moreover, there is no way to tell by looking at a plant if it is poisonous. This blog is very important for those to overlook this possibility of poisoning.

List Of Poisonous Plants For Children

Plants, no doubt, are important and look beautiful as well. Many of the common ones which look beautiful and are very famous are shockingly poisonous for children. Even though they do help to purify the air yet the given below listed plants are considered as poisonous, and they are as below:

  • Chilly plant
  • Coral tree
  • Castor oil plant
  • Wax tree
  • Cactus
  • Mushrooms
  • Daisy
  • Daffodil
  • Hyacinth
  • Marijuana
  • Eucalyptus
  • Cedar tree
  • Rosary Pea
  • Rubber vine
  • Cherry
  • Chinaberry
  • Water hemlock
  • Caladium

Common Plant Poisoning In Babies

It might seem unbelievable that plants can be poisonous for babies, so it is important to be prudent and keep a check on the baby and get alert in case any of these symptoms are seen in the baby. Even though most of the plants are safe, yet if consumed in excess quantity can prove harmful. It is thus important to not let your baby explore or experiment too much whether they are kept inside or outside. In case of any of the following instances, one should understand that the baby could be in danger.

  • In case the baby has tasted, eaten, or chewed the leaves.
  • If the roots or seeds of a plant are ingested or swallowed.
  • The baby’s skin is in contact with the plant juice.
  • They end up consuming the soil.

Tips For Preventing Plant Poisoning In Children

Plant poisoning is a common affair if proper care is not taken. All parents must take certain measures that can help in the prevention of plant poisoning that can happen in children. Some of the tips that can be used by parents are listed as under:

  • The seeds, bulbs, and berries should be kept away from the reach of the children.
  • The kids should be taught to stay away from the plants while they are playing.
  • It is important to figure out the names of the plants in the surroundings so that one can tag them to evade any possible threats that may happen.
  • It is important to remove any plant which one is doubtful about until the child is mature enough to comprehend that they need to keep a distance from it.
  • Ensure that all small and tiny rocks and pebbles are kept away from the pots.
  • Avoid using fertilizers that are in crystallized form as they can be fatal for the child.
  • If you do not wish the child to dig in the soil, keep cardboard or a piece of wire so that the pot can fit, and at the same time child stays away from digging in.

Symptoms Of Plant Poisoning In Babies

Each child may react differently to the same poisonous plant. Different factors determine the severity of the symptoms, like:

  • Age of the child
  • The part of the plant is eaten. While some plants are entirely toxic, for some other plants, only certain parts (like the flower, seeds, veins, fruits, etc.) of them are poisonous.
  • How much amount is eaten. More often than not, only if a larger amount of the poisonous part of the plant is getting into the baby’s system, the more serious reaction happens.


  • Some plants when coming in contact with the baby’s skin can bring about rashes, skin irritation, itching, or even blisters
  • If swallowed it may cause nausea, vomiting, respiratory issues
  • Swellings of lips and tongue are other symptoms associated with plant poisoning.
  • The sap of some plants if getting into the eyes of the child can cause severe pain and damage to eyes

First Aid For Your Baby In Case Of Plant Poisoning

Babies are very delicate, and any small injury to them can be worrying for the parents. Parents are seen to be extremely conscious about their kids, yet despite being alert, the babies do end up plucking leaves or picking soil and putting it in their mouth as it is their habit to pick up things from here and there, including the floor straight to the mouth. If a baby is seen ingesting roots, leaves, berries, seeds, etc., it becomes crucial to follow a few procedures to avoid any dangers. Proper first aid becomes mandatory in this case, and some of the steps to be followed are enlisted as under:

  • It is crucial to find the edible plant parts inside the mouth and if found to be removed by the fingers.
  • The baby should be given an ample amount of water.
  • Never force the child to vomit out.
  • Seek for immediate medical help.

Thus, one needs to be cautious when the babies are busy exploring and experimenting the indoor or outdoor flora and fauna. In case of an accidental intake of any part of the poisonous plant, it is mandatory to seek medical help as soon as possible. It is said,” Be safe than sorry.” So, let us take all steps possible to save the baby from undergoing any possible alarming state.


The content is owned by Ambili S Kartha. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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