How To Deal With Baby Falling Off Bed

By: Ambili S Kartha

Babies are beautiful gifts that need to be protected from any kind of danger from their younger age. They tend to be innocent and may fall while playing or crawling. It hurts the parents a lot makes them feel quite terrible that they could not protect their child from such dangers and could not take good care of the child. Not to worry anymore, as we are here to help you in getting out of this situation in an easy way.

Most of the parents, nowadays, build a nursery and choose to put their babies on a crib during the initial few years. However, another section of the parents likes to have family bedtime. One of those dangers associated with family bedtime is the chances of the baby falling off the bed. Fortunately, the majority of falls from the bed will not end up in serious injury. However, instances in which the baby falls from three feet or more, some serious issues like head injuries can happen.

In this article, we shall throw some light on the ways by which you can safeguard your baby once it falls off the bed. We have also discussed some of the ways to prevent the baby from falling off the bed.

What Should You Do If Your Baby Falls Off The Bed?

For all the parents entering into this new phase of parenthood, baby falling off the bed is one of the common and frightful issues nowadays. No wonder you get extremely worried when such a situation occurs. At first, don’t panic and realize that it can happen to any parents. Secondly, you should be very gentle while holding the baby after it has fallen. Not only this, check for any injuries and head bumps that will help in easy recovery from the fall. Also, closely watch your baby for the following 24 hours after the fall. This is because you can’t overlook the chances of head injury as the skull of the baby is not fused together yet. And the symptoms of concussion may not appear right away.  However, if the baby is under one year, fall off bed should be taken to the attention of a doctor.

Initial Checking

Did you hear a thump while you were asleep? If yes, your baby might have just fallen off the bed, and it’s time to follow some crucial steps to avoid any further chaos.

  • Begin the process of initial inspection by checking if your baby is conscious or not. Sometimes they appear unconscious initially and regain consciousness rather quickly and start crying. However, if the baby remains unconscious, take him to the hospital immediately. Movements should be gentle, or else, it may aggravate the baby’s injury.
  • Once you find out that your baby has fallen off the bed and starts crying, quickly comfort the baby and pat it. Console it and check for any of the physical injury signs so that you can easily detect what is causing the pain in the baby.
  • If no specific injury signs are found, clean any dirt if it gets over your baby’s clothes and makes a check for any bump on your baby’s head, however, if there are any injury signs, you need to be quite alert and call your doctor immediately if you think there is a need for immediate medical assistance.

Dealing With The Bump On Your Infant’s Head After Falling Off The Bed

If the baby fell off and hurt its head, there is a sure possibility of your infant getting a bump on its head. Though the bump can be handled easily using a cold compress and it ought to disappear in a few hours. However, if the situation is serious and the bump still prevails and if it starts to feel squishy, or your child shows signs of head injury, it’s time to seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

When Should You Call The Doctor?

There are a plethora of situations when you should think about calling a doctor:

  • In case of any detection of broken bones of your baby
  • If you see any bruises or cuts on your baby’s body that are bleeding
  • Long term crying of the baby is also a clear sign of calling the doctor
  • Your baby’s eyes have blacked out, or the pupil’s size varies after the fall
  • If your baby experiences some concussion, it would be essential to see a doctor right away
  • If you detect some physical deformity developed, it’s time to visit the doctor as it is a sign of an emergency
  • Bleeding from nose, ears, and eyes indicates internal bleeding. In such instances seek immediate medical attention

How To Prevent The Baby From Falling Off The Bed?

We all know that prevention is way better than the cure. Therefore, follow all the given steps below to prevent this situation from occurring in the first place.

  1. Begin the process of prevention by removing the bed frame and put some of the mattresses under the baby’s bed to cover the floor. This will help in reducing the impact on the baby’s head if it falls.
  2. There should be ample space between the baby bed and the stuff placed near the baby’s bed so that in case the baby falls, he or she will not get any injury in any way.
  3. Inculcating some of the safe habits in your baby is another way of making them aware of the falling situation. This way, they will remember sliding down their belly rather than falling directly once they grow up.

Once you take care of your baby’s unexpected falls during the night by following these crucial tips, you can easily prevent this from happening.

Some Final Words

As you have known above that baby falls can be easily treated if the parents consider following the right steps in a perfect way. Not only will it reduce the impact of the falls if any, but it also enhances the safety of the baby. Protecting the baby from these falls is an important step towards child safety and must be taken care of in the best way.


The content is owned by Ambili S Kartha. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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