How To Buy Safe Toys For Babies – Toy Safety Guidelines For Parents

By: Ambili S Kartha

As we all know, toys are the best companion in childhood. They are mainly used to entertain the child other than that; some toys are specially designed to help with the physical and mental development of the child. So it becomes very important for the parents to choose the toy, keeping in mind all the safety measures required for the health of your growing baby.

In this article, we shall discuss some of the essential toy safety guidelines that will help you to purchase safe toys for your babies in the best way.

Why Is Toy Safety Important?

Babies are curious about all the things surrounding them. It is their basic habit to put all the things in their mouths that may cause some serious accidents. Sometimes toys cause injuries like minor cuts, scratches, and bruises to babies. Even some toys, if wrongly used, can pave the way for serious injuries as well. Some toys are made or coated with low-grade substances that can be toxic to the little one. Substances. That is why it becomes very important to ensure the safety of the toys you are getting for your child.

Tips To Help You Choose Safe And Appropriate Toys For Your Child:

Below given are some tips you can consider while buying toys for your little one:

1. Opt For Age-Appropriate Toys:

Toys are most probably designed according to the age of the baby. Age is displayed on the cover of the toy. So, keep in mind to buy the toy according to the age of your child; it will not only be safe for him, but an appropriate toy helps in the better development of a child.

2. Size And Weight Of Toy Matters:

It is one of the main points to consider while buying a toy for your child. The size of the toy must be according to your child. Never buy too small toys for your baby as they can cause choking when taken in the mouth. Too large and heavy toys for your child’s size can be difficult for your baby to handle and may lead to falling on your baby while playing. However, make sure it is large enough not to fit in your baby’s mouth.

3. Chewing Resistant:

As said above, children have the curiosity to put everything in their mouths. This habit can lead to some very bad accidents that can be life-threatening too. So it becomes very important for the parents to choose chewing resistant toys for their child so that they won’t swallow it.

4. Avoid Loud Toys:

Toys are for the entertainment of your child. Too loud or screaming toys can irritate them by causing noise pollution. Moreover, they can harm the listening power of your child. Therefore, avoid buying the toys that are too loud for your little one.

5. Go For Washable Toys:

Children don’t watch where they are throwing their toys while playing. It may carry on several bacteria when thrown on some dirty objects. Since all the little ones have the habit of putting their toys in their mouths, those bacteria may cause many of the bacterial infections. So, it’s better to buy toys that are easily washable and can be sanitized from time to time.

6. No Strings Or Wires:

Avoid buying toys with long strings and attached ribbons or frills. If you have some, then remove such kind of material from those toys as your child may wrap it around him and choke. Other than that, it may harm his blood circulation by restricting the flow of his blood through his veins. You should keep this in your mind while going for buying crib toys, as well. Any hanging crib toy should be removed once they are big enough to reach it with hands or knees (which usually happens when they reach roughly around five months old)

7. Avoid Toys With Sharp Edges:

Sharp edge toys are very dangerous for small ones. They are innocent and don’t know what they are putting in their mouths. Sharp edge toys may cause them some serious injuries. Small babies have soft and delicate skin. A little sharpness can pass through their skin and get them a painful cut. So, before buying a toy, feel its edges by yourself, and then handle it to your little one.

8. Avoid Electric Toys:

You might not find it hard to understand why we have included this point in our article. Babies love their toys. They bang them on the floor, hit them, and take it in their mouths and, most of the time, love to sleep with their favorite toys. Have you ever thought about what will happen if they will behave the same with an electronic toy? Any kind of breakage in electronic toys may make it shock resistant and can harm your baby in various harmful ways. So, it’s better to avoid buying an electronic toy for your baby until he becomes older enough to understand its working mechanism.

9. Avoid Toxic Toys:

You might be thinking about what is toxic in toys as they are made up of plastic. Then let me clear you that toys made up of cheap plastic and painted with high chemical substances are very toxic for your toddler. It causes the most harmful toxicity known as lead and mercury toxicity in your baby. So, keep in mind to not buy China made cheap toys and always go for high quality checked toys available in the market. Other than that, these painted toys are highly flammable and can catch fire easily.

10Avoid Toys That Shoots Object Into Air:

Never buy fancy toys that shoot things. Not only for your toddler even to your elder ones until your little one is big enough to aim and get out the way of the shot.  If toddlers and infants handle these kinds of toys, by mistake, they might shoot something directly into their eyes or mouths. This can cause serious eye injuries or choke.

Let’s Warp It

Toys definitely play an important role in the physical and brain development of a child. However, nothing is more important than the safety of your baby. So how can you forget to ensure safety while purchasing toys for your baby? You must follow these measures to ensure the healthy life of your baby while playing with his safe and secure set of toys.


The content is owned by Ambili S Kartha. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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