Getting Back Your Pre-Pregnancy/Breast Feeding Body

By: surya vamsi

Congratulations! You’ve just raised a child – first last or otherwise. You’ve completed the magical journey of pregnancy and breast feeding. Now it’s time for your body to become yours again. Think about that fir a moment. You’ll always be a mom, but finally you are getting your body back. No one else relying on your body except you again.

But where to start? It seems pretty overwhelming right? Take a deep breathe. You’ve already started the journey by reading this article. So lets continue as we mean to go on.

Getting Back Your Pre-Pregnancy/Breast Feeding Body

Getting Back Your Pre-Pregnancy/Breast Feeding Body

Step 1. Take Your Time

The most important step to getting your body back is to take your time. These transformations don’t just happen overnight. You weren’t suddenly 9 months pregnant overnight right? What makes you think that you’ll bounce back overnight then?

Main takeaway here: don’t beat yourself up. Please be kind to yourself. Remember what you’ve gone through. You’ve been pregnant. That takes a huge toll on your body. Now you have all the time in the world to bring yourself completely back to yourself.

Remember as well, you won’t ever go back to your pre-pregnancy body. Even if you manage to get the same on the outside, your insides are completely different. Don’t just try to go back, try to get somewhere new.

Step 2. It’s All in The Diet

Diet, diet, diet. No more 1AM pregnancy craving fridge raids. That was okay while you were developing your child inside you. But now, it’s time to bring your body back to you. The cravings will go away the more you resist. It seems difficult at first but you can do it! All you need to do is replace the cravings for awful junk food with cravings for good alternatives.

For example, if you crave salty potato chips switch it out for crispy and salty sweet potato fries. That way you are giving your body the same salt, oil, and some added sweet. But you’re tricking your body because it’s good for you. And remember, you don’t have to flawlessly follow your goals. Give yourself a treat every once in a while.

Step 3. Moderate Exercise to Start

A lot of mothers can’t wait to get back to the gym after they have had their children. This is not the best move. If you go back to working out like you did pre-pregnancy (for those who were wild gym rats), your body will be confused and chaos will reign free.

Do not go to the gym right after giving birth. Don’t go back right after breast feeding either. These are sensitive times for your body. You need to take some time to recover and get back into your equilibrium.

Not only will you risk losing all the weight too fast and having sagging skin, you could also end up working yourself too hard and hurting yourself. Start with something light, stretching and walking for example. Then build up slowly with whatever you feel is best for you. That could be anything from yoga to weight lifting.

Nothing Else Working? (Surgery?)

If you’ve been on the journey for a while (this could be a year or more) and you’re still not seeing the results you want, there are other options. Surgery is a valid path that you can follow. You don’t have to feel self-conscious or bad about yourself if you get a Mommy Makeover in San Antonio.

Everyone’s body is different. No need to judge yourself harshly if you’ve been doing everything right and still aren’t satisfied. Just make sure to keep being gentle and loving towards your body and mind.


The content is owned by surya vamsi. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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