Costco Is Selling A Frozen Playhouse and Your Kids Need One

By: Brittanie

Let it Go… Let it Go… That song will soon be stuck inside our heads once again because Frozen II is being released soon. With that being said, Frozen toys will most likely be on holiday shopping lists this year which is why you need to know about this… Costco Is Selling A Frozen Playhouse and Your Kids Need One.

This Frozen 2 Playhouse is made by KidKraft and from my experience, that means it’s built really well!

The playhouse features a design to resemble Arendelle and is the perfect way for your kids to channel their Anna or Elsa like characteristics. 

The beauty of the kingdom is represented in the scalloped aqua roof, intricate snowflake spires, ornate double doors, and crisscross windows.

Even the inside has detail to make it really come to life!

This Playhouse will set you back about $370.00 but considering all the play time your kids will get out of it, it seems worth it!

Oh, and this seems to be a Costco Exclusive so you can buy it online if you are unable to find it in-store.

Love Frozen? Check out more fun Frozen Ideas:


The content is owned by Brittanie. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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