The Internet Has Had Fun Creating Unique Pop-Tart Flavors, Some Are Truly Crave-Worthy

By: Brittanie

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Leave it to the internet to have a field-day with photoshopping Pop-Tart boxes to create insane, unique and some out-of-this-world flavors for new Pop-Tarts. If you like Pop-Tarts some of these may even be crave-worthy to you.

Credit: poptart.memez Instagram

The Internet Has Had Fun Creating Unique Pop-Tart Flavors, Some Are Truly Crave-Worthy

The first flavor that caught my eye is oh-so relatable as a parent. Not because my kids eat playdough, but because the smell is so terrible, I can only imagine what these Pop-Tarts would smell like if they were ever made! LOL.

This next one is certainly interesting especially since there is a known condition called Pica where people literally crave dirt. Maybe not grave dirt, but nonetheless, dirt. People had a bit of fun in the comments craving dirt jokes about this one…

I’ve got nothing for this one and honestly, it freaks me out even looking at it…

Okay, if you’re a parent and have ever watched your toddler digging for gold, you’ll get this one… Ew, but funny!

Fun fact: I mow the lawn in our household (because I like to) and I swear when I cut the grass, it’s so fresh it’s almost like you can taste it. I imagine that is what these would taste like.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, we all know someone who would try and love these!

Who needs Red Lobster when you can get these… LOL

We all know that one person who doesn’t drink enough water. We can change that with one of these…

Okay, I feel like this would be really good. The big question is, would they cost as much as a package of Ramen? Hmmm…

If you want to see more of these, check out the poptart.memez Instagram because these are HILARIOUS.



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