25 Ways for Dads to Connect with Kids

By: Rachel


Life is so busy, and pulls you in a million directions, but it is really important to find family time within the busy-ness of life! Here are  25 Ways for Dads to Connect with Kids.  

25 Ways for Dads to Connect with Kids

25 Ways for Dads to Connect with Kids

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We recently adopted a beautiful little guy! When we brought our son home we needed to learn how to connect with each other. We loved the book, The Connected Child

After reading that book, we were inspired to create this list of activities to help us bond with our new son and also to reassure our other children that we love them, through play.

25 Ways for Dads to Connect with Kids

Play Together at Home

1. Have a tickle party – your child will love to try and tickle you!

2. Read them a story, only change the characters so that the story is about your child.

3. Play airplane, acting like your child is the airplane, and fly them around the room.

4. Blow a balloon and let it go. Try to catch it!

5. Feed each other a tasty treat.  Your child will love putting food in your mouth!

25 Ways for Dads to Connect with Kids

Pick Me Up, Daddy!

6. Give your child a piggy back ride, or a ride on your shoulders.

7. Hold their hands and “jump” your child, or let them do somersaults by climbing up your legs.

8. Look your child in the eyes and tell them that you love them, often.

9. Blow raspberries on their belly. Try to make different sounds with your mouth, and have your child mimic you.

10. Pretend they are a pillow and go to sleep on their bellies.

25 Ways for Dads to Connect with Kids

Ways for Dad to Connect with Kids

11. Let your child help with a chore! Making Daddy coffee is the highlight of my toddler’s morning.

12. Dance with your child. Swing them in the air and twirl them around your legs.

13. Play “Tackle Daddy”. Your kids will love to push you over and climb on you.

14. Pretend to be a sleeping monster. Catch your kids when they creep near you.

15. Chase your child around the house to give them hugs.  Try crawling in the chase!

25 Ways for Dads to Connect with Kids

Dad Play is the Best!

16. Play hide-and-seek, only hide with your child, and have Mommy try to find you.

17. Hold your child’s hand and go for a long walk.

18. Sing silly songs together! Use different voices, try to sing it as fast as you can, etc.

19. Ask your child questions, even if they are too young to answer them.

20. Give your child a bear hug!

25 Ways for Dads to Connect with Kids

Connect with Kids

21. Take your child on an adventure. Play dress-up, and then go to the store together in your outfits.

22. Turn off the sound to the TV and make up words for the characters as they act.

23. Collect props from around the house and take pictures of each other.

24. Try to solve an age-appropriate puzzle together, or a Rubik’s cube. Make a maze for younger kids! 

25. Toss a ball around! Throwing balls back and forth between each other is fun, and great for hand-eye coordination.

25 Ways for Dads to Connect with Kids

Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day

Father’s Day will be here before you know it! How are you celebrating the special dad(s) in your life? Check out these ideas: 

How have you intentionally engaged with your child? Comment below! 


Source: https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/29396/for-dads/

The content is owned by Rachel. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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