Trey Kennedy is Back With Another Video and We’re Howling Again

By: Helene Wingens

Heeeee’s back..comedian and Instagram sensation Trey Kennedy is out with a brand new video mocking moms called what else, Moms. (Part 2).

In the comments he makes sure to apologize to his mom, “Sorry I keep making fun of you Mom (and all other moms) love u.” Sweet.

We’re not sure his apology is heart-felt, but we love his new video. Once again he is spot on with his impression of moms (that’s us ladies) including how frustrated mom gets because she can’t turn on the television with her iPad. Mom is then annoyingly discriminating about which movie to watch, rejecting movies because they are rated R, sad, or have nudity.

We get the sense that mom really wants to watch Magic Mike but she won’t admit it, and settles for watching Happy Feet. Mom can’t pronounce Chipotle to save her life and she doesn’t get meme culture. AT. ALL. And, of course mom is still insisting on all A’s.

And we’re back to mom’s super duper grilling. She rattles off questions about the first day of classes; a litany of at least fifty questions run through so quickly that obviously no one has time to answer.

When last we spoke about Trey had over 1.5 million Instagram followers and we predicted great things for him. Now on the cusp of 2 million followers, this video will surely nudge him over the top.

And if you missed it:

Trey Kennedy’s Video Had Us Howling Because It Is All of Us


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