As all the moms out there may know, your breasts after pregnancy may never be the same. As women our body goes through a lot of changes naturally, aside from pregnancy. So, you can imagine once pregnancy comes into play how it will affect your body and your breasts in particular. Some women may experience an increase in breast size during pregnancy which is typically the most common thing that will happen being a pregnant woman. Although some women’s breasts continue increasing, others will return to their original state.
For those whose breasts go back to the size they were before pregnancy, you end up suffering from sagging breast tissue. This is due to the dramatic change in size, the expansion of your skins tissue being stretched is what causes your breasts to sag. When you lose elasticity in your breasts, your skin cannot bounce back the way it did when you had fresh, tight skin. We want to fill you in on all of the ways to restore your breasts after pregnancy. It is very common that your breast size after pregnancy will go back to how they were, but some women’s breasts stay the same as if they were still pregnant.
One of the biggest changes that a lot of new moms experience is, breast size difference after pregnancy. This means they may start to notice that one breast is larger than the other causing their breasts to become asymmetrical. Most of the time this is because of the tissue lost from breastfeeding your baby. Depending on how your body produces milk, you may notice that one breast produces less milk than the other breast. Your baby may prefer a certain breast more than the other causing that one to lose the fullness it once had. If it’s not too late, you can have your child start breastfeeding off of the breast that is smaller to help it catch up to the other one. It’s important to know that regardless of breastfeeding or pregnancy, no two breasts are ever the same.
How to fix saggy breasts after pregnancy
There are so many things that new moms go through during pregnancy they may be abnormal if this is your first time being pregnant. There are a list of unusual things you may experience such as breast sagging, uneven breasts and the most unfortunate, itchy breasts which we have some helpful tips on here. In this case, luckily there are many ways to prevent breast sagging after pregnancy which are also a few rules that you should live by before and during pregnancy as well.
Keeping your skin hydrated prevents it from becoming dry and breaking. It will help recover your skin that was stretched and revitalize the elasticity. You can also take a supplement with Vitamin C that is targeted for your breasts to help bring them back to life!
This is extremely important for your boobs after pregnancy because this helps to firm up any loose skin you may have. You will lose body fat including the fat within your breasts, but at the same time they will look and feel firmer and perkier. So if you’re looking for ways how to perk up breasts after pregnancy, this is going to be a must!
As if this one isn’t important just because, it is even 10x more important for our new mommies out there! Hydration keeps your skin youthful and tight which lowers your chances of unwanted wrinkles. If you can stay hydrated during pregnancy you can help avoid dramatic breast changes after pregnancy.
Healthy Diet
During this time you really want to avoid processed, sugary foods as much as possible! Sticking to a healthy diet full of leafy greens, vegetables and protein is vital for proper skin production. Make it easier on your post pregnancy breasts by eating a nutritious diet and helping the process along faster! Some of the best foods to eat after pregnancy consist of: Salmon, Eggs, Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli.
Breast Massage
This one is great for increasing blood flow and circulation! You should do this with some form of oil, particularly almond oil. You will definitely start to see a difference by doing this repeatedly. Another tip is alternating with an ice massage. Rubbing ice on your breasts is a great way to stimulate your breast tissue. As mentioned before, it is common that one breast produces less milk than the other so this is a great way to help the other breast catch up as well.
How to keep breasts big after pregnancy
In addition to living by the things we have mentioned above, there are a few other ways you can help your post pregnancy breasts stay full and large. One of the best tips that we recommend to all of our moms after pregnancy, if you’re reading this in time, is to gain a little extra weight during breastfeeding. This helps your body naturally maintain a healthy weight since you are losing weight naturally during breastfeeding. This will help level it out not leaving them loose and saggy.
Most moms are super excited to get into the gym and shed off their baby weight as soon as possible, but the trick here is to not do this too quickly. Take your time and enjoy the process, otherwise you are going to shed weight too fast leaving your body with an excess amount of extra skin. While you are working out moderately, you should be consuming foods rich in phytoestrogens. Any soy products including tofu are great to eat moderately in your day, including flaxseeds. Our recommendation is to start your morning with a smoothie using soy milk and adding in flaxseeds. This is a quick and easy way to get what you need. Remember that breast growth during pregnancy is extremely common and your breasts need time to adjust to these fluctuations. So take your time and be patient.
We want our new moms to avoid any unnecessary surgeries after having a baby and you can do this by following these natural remedies of restoring your breasts after pregnancy. It can be difficult to restore your boobs after pregnancy, but doing things the natural way is always best. It’s safe to say that it’s not impossible to get your breasts back to the way they were before, but it will take some work and patience. Also, if you’re wondering, do breasts stay large after pregnancy, the answer is not black and white. It takes a bit of work to restore your breasts and get them to the desired size you want but you can also do this with the help of supplements and foods targeted for your breasts. You can renew your boobs after pregnancy, but keep in mind it the sooner you start these habits, the better! It is not to say that your breast size after pregnancy will be exactly the same, but there are ways to help keep them firm and perky.
Source: https://www.beingtheparent.com/restoring-breasts-after-pregnancy/
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