How to Encourage Your Child’s Creative Side

By: Arjun KR

As a parent, there are many things that you can do to nurture and develop within your child’s life. You should think about their safety, their health, their nutrition, their education, their social learning, and more. But don’t forget creativity!

Children are extremely creative naturally. They have huge imaginations and what feels like almost endless capacities to play. As we get older, sometimes we lose touch with our creative side. As you child learns and develops, you should encourage their creativity and provide them with useful outlets to increase their chances of holding on to their imagination. Read on to learn about the different ways that you can foster a creative environment in their lives.


Music is a wonderful type of creative outlet for your child to pursue, especially if they are drawn to it or show a musical ear. Many schools integrate some sort of music programming into the overall curriculum, whether that be through a general music class or through something more focused such as band, chorus, and orchestra. Getting involved in music can often improve a child’s focus and mood.

If your child is interested in learning an instrument and you have the resources, you may want to look into getting them an instrument of their own or one to rent. For example, if your child is interested in learning the drums, has many fine drum sets available to browse.

If your child does start taking music lessons, it is important that it isn’t a decision imposed by the parent, but rather a genuine desire for the child to explore and improve.

2.Visual Arts

Visual arts are another creative outlet that your child can utilize to express their creativity. This includes painting, drawing, sculpting, and more.

These activities help children learn important skills such as observation and attention to detail. If your child shows a keen interest in visual art, you may want to help them get access to materials such as paints, crayons, paper, and more. And don’t forget to display their newest masterpiece up on the fridge!

3.Theatre and Dance

If you child wants to go out for the school play, encourage them! Theatre is a great way for children to play and express themselves. They can be energetic and play make-believe for as long as they want. Even if they don’t love acting and being center-stage, they may like getting involved backstage. Dance is also a great movement based creative activity that children can explore.

4.Being Creative Alongside Them

If you’ve been a parent for some time, you have probably realized that your child absorbs everything around them like a sponge. They are constantly observing and listening and processing new information. Because of this, it is important you support their creative efforts by being creative yourself. If they see you participating in creative activities, they may be more likely to follow suit.

5.Structure Creative Breaks into Their Schedules

Especially with young children, parents have a lot of influence over what a child’s schedule looks like. You may want to try and add blocks of free time periodically for your child. During these times, they can do the activities they are interested in and be creative. Also look for opportunities where you can specifically encourage sessions of critical thinking or brainstorming.

When you encourage your child to be creative, you are also providing them other benefits as well. Increased creativity can often lead to better grades, improved ability to pay attention, decreased anxiety, and more.Always remember to listen to you children and see where their creative voice will lead them next!


The content is owned by Arjun KR. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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